
Scripture and Prayer

On this worksheet partners choose three scripture passages from both the Old and New Testaments. They then note how what each passage teaches about prayer and our relationship with God.


Unit 2 Preassessment

This preassessment helps students identify what they know and want to know about concepts from Unit 2.


The Ninety-Nine Names of God

This handout lists the ninety-nine Islamic names for God and poses several questions regarding the list.


"In the Beginning Was the Word"

After presenting John 1:1-18 from the Christian Bible, this handout challenges to students to identify key parts that describe the doctrine of the incarnation.


Images of Jesus

This handout provides many different images and descriptions of Jesus for students to examine and relate to.


Greek and Roman Gods Today

This handout challenges students to identify the associations they have with Greek and Roman gods.


Koans: Food for Intuition

This worksheet presents Zen koans to be interpreted or explained.


The Riddler

This worksheet presents 12 riddles to be solved individually or in a small group


Who Is the Sage?

This worksheet provides the opportunity to choose life situations that exemplify practices of the Taoist sage.



A guided reflection of the Buddhist image of Kuan-Yin


Right Speech

This handout provides a reflection on students’ use of words and speech. Students identify ways to improve their use of words to speak truth and kind things.


Karma Marga: "The Path of Works"

An individual worksheet that examines the intentions and motivations behind one’s actions.


The Master and the Untouchable

An individual worksheet the caste system in India.


The Fruits of Action

An individual worksheet that challenges students to apply teachings from the Bhagavad-Gita to real-life situations.


When To Keep Things Confidential

After reading several pieces of information that might be shared by a friend, students decide which should be kept confidential and which might be shared with others.


Please Help

This is a writing prompt to help students reflect on what it is like to be a virgin in society today.


Questionnaire on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS

This handout provides a list of True/False statements about sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.


Role-play: "I'm Pregnant"

This handout provides two role-play situations in which a couple has discovered they are pregnant.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 2)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 1)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Attitudes About Sexuality

This handout presents a series of statements about sexuality. Students are to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with each.


How Do I Know That I Am Fully Alive?

This handout asks students to rank statements according to their beliefs about what it means to be fully alive.


Cases to Examine: Dealing with Conflict

This handout provides three situations for students to read and evaluate. Students must give a suggestion for how to respond to the conflict in each scenario based on the strategies in the book.


Cases to Examine: Self-respect

This handout provides three situations where teenagers are not fully respecting themselves. Students read the situations and respond with suggestions that demonstrate more self-respect.


TV Truth: Keeping a Record

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of the types of truths and lies portrayed on TV.


An Inventory on Money Matters

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of their expenditures during one week


Jesus, Teach Us to Pray

Read each of the following Scripture passages and explain in writing how they each give insight into Jesus’ prayer life.


Prayer Objects, Prayerful Environment

After spending some time walking around a church or chapel and observing the ways that art is used to create a prayerful, sacred space, answer the following questions reflectively.


Spirituality Action Plan

It is important for us to take stock of where we are in life and put plans in place to achieve our goals. It is important to do that in our spiritual life as well. We are all spiritual people. …



1. Look at the statue or picture at this station. 2. This image depicts the deity Kuan-yin. Write words that describe this image.



1. Look at the picture at this station. 2. Write words that describe the actions that you see in the picture. 3. Write words that describe the relationships between people that you see in the picture.


Objects Used in Tibetan Rituals

1. At this station are several objects. Some may look familiar. Gently pick up each object and examine it. SOME OF THE OBJECTS ARE FRAGILE. PLEASE HANDLE THEM CAREFULLY. 2. Write the following information about each object.


Karma Marga: "The Path of Works"

For each of the following actions, write a selfish motivation and a selfless motivation. Responses have been supplied for the first action as examples.


The Wonders of God's Creation

For the next twenty-four hours, pay attention to experiences and details of your day. The following list suggests phenomena for you to observe, and you may think of other subjects for observation. Create an observation journal on a separate sheet …


Characteristics of Apologetics

With your group, read Saint Ignatius of Antioch’s letter to the Romans. Then answer the following questions.


Handout: Praise Petition and Promise

The Lord’s Prayer includes three forms of prayer: praise, petition, and promise. Identify the types of prayer expressed in each phrase of the Lord’s Prayer.


Handout: A Prayer Chart

Use these questions to help you identify situations when you used each prayer form, and record as many situations as you can recall.


Living in a Material World

A worksheet where students are asked to rank items on their necessity for living a happy life.


Handout: Morally Good or Morally Suspect

For each situation, determine whether the action is right, neutral, or wrong; whether the intent is good or not good; and whether the circumstances allow you to decide freely or keep you from deciding freely.


Called to Share the Mission of Jesus

Questions about how we can imitate Jesus’ example in the way we interact with others.


How Can I Say

A breakdown of how to pray the Lord’s Prayer.


Virtue al Reality

Different scenarios that could potentially result in moral dilemmas.


Living in a Material World

Consider the following list of things. Which of them is necessary for you to have in order to be happy? Place a check mark in front of each one you feel is necessary.


Promoting a Culture of Life

Place a check mark in the column that best describes the item.


Lord, This Is for You

Reflection on the First Commandment.


Morally Good or Morally Suspect

For each situation, determine whether the action itself is good, neutral, or bad; whether the intent is good; and whether the circumstances keep the person who is considering the action from acting freely.


A Living Sign of Hope

We believe that because we are transformed by faith in the Risen Jesus, his presence in the world becomes more visible through us. Read the following statements that are based on Jesus’ teachings, and then answer the questions that follow. …


How and Why Do People Suffer?

In the boxes below, give examples for each type of suffering, and respond to the questions that follow.


Faith: Some Important Connections

In silence, answer all but the last question by yourself. The last question will be answered in small groups.


Places in the Heart

A worksheet to go along with the video Places in the Heart.


A Restless Heart

Read through the following questions and discuss your answers with your small group.


Core Beliefs Practices and Attitudes of the Catholic Faith

Each statement below is a core belief of the Catholic faith. Choose a symbol (“I get it,” “I’m unsure,” or “I don’t get it”) that best reflects your understanding of each belief. Then briefly explain what you might know about …


What Do I Know about the Catholic Faith

In the time allotted for this exercise, answer each question to the best of your knowledge. Each set of questions corresponds to the units you will study in this course and represents content you will cover in more detail in …


Learning to Listen to God

A survey to assess a student’s listening skills.


Divine Providence

A reflection worksheet to help students get a better sense of God’s Providence in their lives.


What Will God Call Me to Do

A reflection worksheet and class discussion on the video Gang Busters: One Man’s Mission to Stop Bullets by Creating Jobs.


Family Life

A worksheet with questions about the meaning of the family, the responsibilities of parents, the domestic Church, as well as the influence parents have on their children in their moral and spiritual development.


The Key to Happiness: Listening to the Teacher!

An activity where groups of young people are asked to take a look at Scripture passages showing Jesus ”re-creating” an older ethical standard according to a new standard of love.


Podcasts on Prayer

A worksheet where students are asked to create a series of teen-friendly podcasts about prayer.


Good Friday Intercessions

A handout that guides students through writing their own Good Friday intercessions.


Modern-Day Martyrs: Redemptive Love in Action

An activity where students will learn about the lives of several modern-day martyrs, draw connections between the lives of these people and the life and death of Jesus, and explore what the witness of martyrs, from the time of Jesus …


Understanding the Lord's Prayer

An activity to help students understand the Lord's Prayer from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Pray in Good Form

A worksheet, from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide, to assist students in researching and presenting different prayer forms.


Prayer 101 An Introduction

An introduction to prayer from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


What Is Prayer

A worksheet, found in “The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth” Teacher Guide, that is based on students’ current understanding and experience with prayer.


The Cardinal Virtues

A handout on defining the Cardinal Virtues and describing how a person who exhibits the Cardinal Virtues acts.


The Ten Commandments

A worksheet focused on what the Ten Commandments teach us about living in right relationship with God and with our neighbors.


Honoring God

A worksheet on honoring God based on students’ knowledge of the first three Commandments.


What Makes Something Moral?

Two scenarios that involve people making moral choices. Students are asked to identify the object, intention, and circumstances surrounding the act in the scenario and indicate whether the choice is morally good or morally bad.


Peter and Paul Venn Diagram

A Venn Diagram on Peter and Paul.


The Two Pentecosts

A chart used to draw parallels between the feasts of Shavuot and Christian Pentecost.


Vocabulary for Unit 5 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”

A list of several vocabulary terms and definition for Unit 5 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”


Violence versus Nonviolence

A worksheet where students fill in what they know and understand about violence and nonviolence.


Sweatshop Inquiry

A sweatshop inquiry worksheet on different industries.


"Homeless: Motel Kids of Orange County" Movie Guide

A movie guide with questions pertaining to the film “Homeless: The Motel Kids of Orange County.”


Mirror Exercise

An exercise that encourages students to reflect on how they are different from others, and how they can respectfully respond to these differences.


Living As a Steward of Creation

An activity where students decipher the main ideas of several Church documents, and then make connections to Genesis creations accounts and the call to be stewards of creation.


Vocabulary for Unit 4 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”

A list of vocabulary terms for Unit 4 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”


Vocabulary for Unit 7 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”

A list of vocabulary terms for Unit 7 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”


Introspect and Interview

A worksheet on introspect and knowledge gained from interviews on important life issues including abortion, in vitro fertilization, stem-cell research, euthanasia, the death penalty, and immigration.


Facing the FACTS

An activity on the FACTS decision-making process used when faced with a moral dilemma.


Matrix for Teachings on Forgiveness

A matrix activity for teachings on forgiveness, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Temptations and Grace

Quotations and questions dealing with temptations and grace, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Vocabulary for Unit 8

Vocabulary terms for Unit 8 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Sexual Integrity or Sexual Disintegration

A worksheet dealing the with concepts of sexual integrity and sexual disintegration, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Celebrating Marriage

A worksheet dealing with the rite of the Sacrament of Matrimony, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Vocabulary for Unit 7

Vocabulary terms for Unit 7 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Blessed Are the Peacemakers

A worksheet with short answer questions, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Research Directions on Respect for Life Issues

Directions to research respect for life issues, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Beginning of Life and End of Life Issues Worksheet

A worksheet on beginning of life and end of life issues, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Vocabulary for Unit 6

Vocabulary terms for Unit 6 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Our Catholic Faith in Action

A chart that accompanies the Web Quest on our Catholic faith in action, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Calling Society to Justice Worksheet

A worksheet on calling society to justice, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


The Fourth Commandment and The Ten Commandments

A worksheet regarding the Ten Commandments, especially the Fourth Commandment, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Unit 4 Preassessment

A preassessment for Unit 4 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Directions for Short Research Report

Directions for a short research report dealing with topics from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Icons and iconography: Awe and Reverence

A research assignment dealing with icons, iconography, awe, and reverence, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Choosing a Path to Life

An exercise on choosing a path to life, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Vocabulary for Unit 3

Vocabulary terms for Unit 3 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Unit 3 Preassassment

A preassessment for Unit 3 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Determing the Elements of Human Acts

A worksheet on determining the elements of human acts from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Gospel Reflection on Sin and Salvation

A Gospel reflection on sin and salvation from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Defining Sin

A worksheet on defining sin from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Sin and Salvation

A worksheet on sin and salvation from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Reading Guide for the Splendor of the Truth

A reading guide for the Splendor of Truth from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Values in New Testament Moral Teachings

A worksheet on values in New Testament moral teachings from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


A Look at Moral Law

A look at moral law from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Survey Summary Life in Christ

A survey summary for "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Unit 1 Preassessment

A preassessment for Unit 1 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Gifts of the Holy Spirit

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can learn about the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and use their own words to describe what each gift is.


Prayers of Petition

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It gives students spaces to write their own intentions and petitions as a prayer activity.


The Format of the Pauline Letters

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It outlines the format of Paul's letters in the New Testament.


Preparation Worksheet for Prophet Research Assignment

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can use these questions prepare for and consider several facets of a prophet that they plan to research mor extensively.


Reflection on the Greatest Commandments

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can study and reflect on the Greatest Commandments: to love God with your whole mind, body and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

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