
New Testament References to Eternal Life

This handout lists Scripture passages to be read by students that reference eternal life and how Jesus makes it possible for us to attain it.


Learning about Learning

This handout asks a series of questions to help students reflect on and evaluate the learning in a particular unit.


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Hearing and Acting on the Word of God

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Not Judging Others

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: How to Pray

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Not Being A Hypocrite

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Loving Your Enemy

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Paraphrasing the Sermon on the Mount: Being Salt and Light

This handout allows students to complete statements from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount


Who Is Your God?

A reflective worksheet where students identify meaningful definitions of God


Parish Council Committee Assignments

This handout assigns students to a made-up Parish Council Committee. Students must then brainstorm ideas and activities to help engage young people in the life of the parish.


Scoring "My Responses to Conflict"

This handout provides the scoring that should be used to interpret the accompanying Handout 9-D.


My Responses to Conflict

For this worksheet, students choose which behaviors match how they typically respond to conflict in relationships.


Whom Will You Tell?

Students identify with whom in their life they would share a list of personal pieces of information.


Listening Traps

Students reflect on and answer a series of questions about their listening skills.


Interpersonal Style

Students reflect on and answer a series of questions about their interpersonal style and relationships with others.


Questionnaire on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS

This handout provides a list of True/False statements about sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.


Role-play: "I'm Pregnant"

This handout provides two role-play situations in which a couple has discovered they are pregnant.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 2)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 1)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Word Association

Students identify the different associations with and meanings of sexuality as portrayed in the media, by peers, and from adults.


Attitudes About Sexuality

This handout presents a series of statements about sexuality. Students are to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with each.


How Much Did You Pay for That?

Students estimate the cost of a list of items needed to live independently. This exercise is meant to help students understand the amount of money needed to survive.


Work Values

On this handout students explore the qualities they look for or want in a job and brainstorm possible jobs that fit those qualities.


Ranking the Prestige of Occupations

Students rank a list of careers based on their importance and prestige in society.


Perceptions of Leisureliness

This handout provides a list of statements designed to help students evaluate the leisureliness of a specific person.


Support for Leisure Activities

This handout asks students to decide which types of leisure activities their peers encourage them to participate in.


Cases to Examine: Leisure or Work?

This handout presents two real-life scenarios for which students must read and answer questions.


Leisure Satisfaction

Students list leisure activities in which they participate before rating the frequency and satisfaction for each.


Goals of Formal Education

Students rank eight possible goals of formal education based on their importance or relevance.


Cases to Examine: Levels of Independence

Students read several scenarios and rank the level of independence demonstrated.


Personality Perceptions of __________

Students choose adjectives from a list to describe a specific person.


About Myself

This handout provides a series of questions for students to answer about themselves.


How Do I Know That I Am Fully Alive?

This handout asks students to rank statements according to their beliefs about what it means to be fully alive.


Cases to Examine: Self-respect

This handout provides three situations where teenagers are not fully respecting themselves. Students read the situations and respond with suggestions that demonstrate more self-respect.


TV Truth: Keeping a Record

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of the types of truths and lies portrayed on TV.


An Inventory on Money Matters

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of their expenditures during one week


Cases to Examine: What Are We Afraid Of?

Students read several real-life scenarios and explore the many fears, anxieties, and pressures that influence decisions.


The Literature of Love

Reflection questions on William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116.


Lord, This Is for You

Reflection on the First Commandment.


Terms Related to the Church

A worksheet where students are asked to define several vocabulary terms related to the Church and write a short essay on which term means the most to them.


Qoheleth’s Advice

A short writing assignment on Qoheleth’s advice.


A Vision of Dry Bones

Several short-answer questions about Ezekiel’s dry bones vision.


Stewards of Creation

A reflection exercise on personal stewardship of creation.


Living the Call of Vatican Council II

A worksheet that looks at the dignity of the human person, the necessity of community, and human beings’ relationship to the universe.


A Call to Love

A set of reflection questions, based on the four objects of love.


Meditation on a Goal or Concern

A meditation on a goal or concern from "The Catholic Connections Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 6

A vocabulary sheet from Unit 6 of "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 6

A rubric for final performance tasks for Unit 6 of "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Just a Closer Walk with Thee

A worksheet where students are asked to read and reflect on the Gospel of Luke’s powerful image of how Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist through the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.


Old Testament Themes and Images in John's Prologue

A worksheet on the Old Testament themes and images in the prologue of the Gospel of John.


Comparing and Contrasting the Passion and Resurrection Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

A group worksheet on comparing and contrasting the Passion and Resurrection narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.


Comparing and Contrasting Infancy Narratives

A group worksheet on comparing and contrasting infancy narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.


The Reign of God in the Gospel of Luke and Today

A group worksheet on how the Reign of God is presented in the Gospel of Luke and in today’s culture.


The Reign of God in the Gospel of Luke

A group worksheet on how the Reign of God is presented in the Gospel of Luke.


Jesus, the Teacher

A group worksheet on Jesus, the teacher.


Synoptic Parallels Questions

A group worksheet where students examine parallels in the synoptic Gospels.


Ideological Analysis of Luke 10:25-37

An ideological analysis of Luke 10:25-37.


Sociohistorical Analysis of Luke 10:25-37

A sociohistorical analysis of Luke 10:25-37.


Sunday Lectionary Readings: God’s Ongoing Story of Love for Humanity

A group assignment on several sets of Sunday Lectionary readings.


Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum, 1965)

A worksheet that examines several chapters of "Dei Verbum" using group discussion.


Meet Me in the Middle

A worksheet where students are asked to make connections between different things, concepts, and terms.


Analysis of Revelation, Chapter 1

A number of questions that guide students in an analysis of chapter 1 of the Book of Revelation.


Socratic Seminar Ticket

A number of questions that students need to answer before they are allowed to participate in the socratic seminar on early Christian communities.


First Thessalonians

A worksheet where students delve deeper into First Thessalonians.


Epistle Facts

A worksheet where students delve deeper into the Epistles.


Characters in the Acts of the Apostles

A worksheet where students are asked to choose a character from the Book of Acts, and answer several questions on their respective account.


Analysis of John's Prologue

An analysis of John 1:1-38.


Luke's Understanding of Jesus

A worksheet where students use scripture passages from the Gospel of Luke to discover Luke’s understanding of Jesus.


Probing the Parables

A worksheet where students discover information about the parables.


Analyzing Matthew's Prologue

A worksheet where students analyze the prologue of the Gospel of Matthew.


A Portrait of Jesus for Jews

A worksheet where students discover how Matthew made his Gospel distinctly Jewish.


Biblical Study

A worksheet with questions on the historical context, literary context, and cultural context of the Scriptures.


Influences on the Writing of Scripture

A worksheet where students reflect on different things that may have been influences on the writing of Scripture.


Wisdom throughout Salvation History

A worksheet on wisdom throughout salvation history, using Wisdom 10:1-21 to answer questions.


Proverb Presentation

An assignment where students choose a proverb to interpret and present.


Preassessment Statements on Wisdom

Several preassessment statements on wisdom for students to agree with, disagree with, or state they are unsure about.


Vocabulary terms for Unit 1 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.

A sheet of vocabulary terms, and blank spaces for students to write in the definitions, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Lifelong Journey

Several questions about yourself and relationships to consider before entering into the permanent covenant of marriage.


Equal Partners in Marriage

A numbers of questions relating to the equality of men and women in society as well as in marriage.


The Meaning of Healing

A reflection exercise on the meaning of healing.


The Sacrament of Pardon and Peace

A set of questions that accompany the PowerPoint presentation “The Sacrament of Pardon and Peace.”


A Personal Inventory of My Potential

A worksheet comprised of questions, columns, and numbers, where students can rate themselves and see if they are achieving their full potential.


Reflecting on the Meaning of Infant Baptism

A worksheet focused on reflecting on the meaning of infant Baptism.


The Meaning of Redemption (I)

This survey provides an opportunity for students to identify some areas of their lives that they feel they need help to improve. Part 1 of this exercise is strictly personal; however, students’ reflections will help them with a complementary group …

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