
The Good News Proclaimed to Me!

This handout asks students to reflect and write about the ways that Jesus' healing is needed in their lives.


Who Is Your God?

This handout presents a list of different definitions and identities for God. Students are asked to choose ones that resonate with them.


Our Culture, Our Selves

This handout asks students to rank a list of items in life and society according to their importance.


Communication in My Family

This handout helps students to explore the communication and relationship they have with their parents by asking a series of reflective questions for students to answer.


Telling Our Body's Story

This handout helps teens reflect on their body image and the influences on their attitudes towards their bodies.


Relationships in Marriage

This handout presents numerous questions about healthy, life-long marriages for students to think about and answer.


Cases to Examine: Changing Roles

This handout presents several real-life family situations about which students must evaluate and make a decision.


Cases to Examine: Parenting Dilemmas

This handout provides several examples of parenting dilemmas. Students are to read the situations, choose a course of action, and explain their thoughts.


Please Help

This is a writing prompt to help students reflect on what it is like to be a virgin in society today.


Cases to Examine: Dealing with Conflict

This handout provides three situations for students to read and evaluate. Students must give a suggestion for how to respond to the conflict in each scenario based on the strategies in the book.


Respect-Life Issues

A number of terms that deal with respect-life issues, from Section 4 Part 2 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


The Cycle of Redemption

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may use it as a quick reference to key ideas behind the Cycle of Redemption in the Old Testament.


New Testament References to Eternal Life

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It lists several passages in which Eternal Life is referenced in the New Testament. Students can reflect on these passages and answer questions about them.

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