
Jesus’ Vision for His Followers

This activity asks students to illustrate the organization of the Church by filling in the title of the group or role described in each box.


What Biblical Images Reveal about God’s Relationship with His People

Students will examine seven different images of God’s people used in the Bible, and describe what each image reveals about God’s relationship with his people.


Scripture and Prayer

On this worksheet partners choose three scripture passages from both the Old and New Testaments. They then note how what each passage teaches about prayer and our relationship with God.


From the Apostles to Us

Students create a storyboard to show how God is revealed in Sacred Tradition.


The Disciples' Dilemma

This handout challenges students to decide how they would have reacted as a disciple after Jesus’ trial, death, and resurrection


Jesus' Priorities

An individual worksheet where students rank the priority Jesus placed on certain values in his ministry


The Resurrected Jesus

Students answer questions about the story of Jesus' Resurrection from one of the four Gospels.


The Good News Proclaimed to Me!

This handout asks students to reflect and write about the ways that Jesus' healing is needed in their lives.


Jesus Had Feelings Too

Students read passages from the Gospels to explore the numerous emotions that Jesus experienced during his time on Earth.


Cases to Examine: Where Is Love?

Students read and respond to several stories about what it means to love yourself and others.


Please Help

This is a writing prompt to help students reflect on what it is like to be a virgin in society today.


Measuring Fixed Costs

On this handout students calculate the fixed expenses of an independent adult on a monthly and yearly basis.


Checking Your Leisure Benefits

Students categorize their favorite leisure activities based on the primary benefit they receive from each.


Circles of Learning

This handout provides a diagram for students to fill in as they reflect on the impact of friendship and relationships.


Hugh's Life, My Life

After reading the fictional story of Hugh in the textbook, use the chart below to reflect on the similarities and differences in the faith life of Hugh and you!


Jesus, Teach Us to Pray

Read each of the following Scripture passages and explain in writing how they each give insight into Jesus’ prayer life.


Prayer Objects, Prayerful Environment

After spending some time walking around a church or chapel and observing the ways that art is used to create a prayerful, sacred space, answer the following questions reflectively.


Handout: Praise Petition and Promise

The Lord’s Prayer includes three forms of prayer: praise, petition, and promise. Identify the types of prayer expressed in each phrase of the Lord’s Prayer.


Handout: A Prayer Chart

Use these questions to help you identify situations when you used each prayer form, and record as many situations as you can recall.


How Can I Say

A breakdown of how to pray the Lord’s Prayer.


We'd Like to Know: Possible Questions While Visiting Other Churches

In your visit to a different Christian Church, be prepared to ask the church’s representative some thoughtful questions about what they believe, their mission, and their worship. Here are some questions to start with. You might also think of other …


Five Models of the Church

Answer the following questions about the models of the Church.


Marks of the Church

Write at least two examples of ways that the Church and you model the four Marks of the Church.


A Preassessment

Answer each question by writing what you know for sure, what you think you know but are unsure about, and things related to the topic that you would like to explore.


Created in God’s Image

You will be guided through this handout, taking notes and answering questions as directed in your class.


Faith: Some Important Connections

In silence, answer all but the last question by yourself. The last question will be answered in small groups.


Places in the Heart

A worksheet to go along with the video Places in the Heart.


Core Beliefs Practices and Attitudes of the Catholic Faith

Each statement below is a core belief of the Catholic faith. Choose a symbol (“I get it,” “I’m unsure,” or “I don’t get it”) that best reflects your understanding of each belief. Then briefly explain what you might know about …


What Do I Know about the Catholic Faith

In the time allotted for this exercise, answer each question to the best of your knowledge. Each set of questions corresponds to the units you will study in this course and represents content you will cover in more detail in …


Learning to Listen to God

A survey to assess a student’s listening skills.


Divine Providence

A reflection worksheet to help students get a better sense of God’s Providence in their lives.


Secular Institutes

A worksheet completed in groups about the history, role, and characteristics of secular institutes.


Inspirations and Charisms Worksheet

A partially independent and partially group completed worksheet for students to fill out about the inspirations and charisms of a particular religious congregation or order.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of Consecrated Life

A preassessment for students about their knowledge of terms associated with consecrated life.


A Conversation about the Future of Priestly Ministry

A worksheet with questions about the future of priestly ministry.


The Effects of the Sacrament of Holy Orders

A worksheet completed in groups about the effects of the Sacrament of Holy Orders from both the book and the student’s personal knowledge.


The Formation of a Priest

While watching the PowerPoint “The Formation of a Priest”, the students must fill out this worksheet by filling in the blanks.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Sacrament of Holy Orders

A preassessment about things that a student already knows, thinks that they know, and wants to know about the Sacrament of Holy Orders.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Vocation of Holy Orders

A preassessment of one’s knowledge of terms and concepts associated with the Vocation of Holy Orders.


Family Life

A worksheet with questions about the meaning of the family, the responsibilities of parents, the domestic Church, as well as the influence parents have on their children in their moral and spiritual development.


Rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 6

A rubric for final performance tasks for Unit 6 of "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Historical Genre Stations, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

An activity where students read certain Scripture passages and look for illustrations of community and identity, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.

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