
Reflections on Poverty in America

This handout provides a series of Scripture passages and real-life accounts to help students reflect on poverty in America.


Praying the Liturgy of the Hours: A Reflection

A reflection to be completed after praying the Liturgy of the Hours.


The Narrow Door: A Guided Meditation

This guided meditation communicates the Gospel message of simple living in a way that engages the imagination and inspires young people to actively simplify their lives. This activity is an excerpt from the book Justice and Service Ideas for Ministry …


One Solitary Life

This short reflection calls to mind the profound impact Jesus Christ has had on humanity and the world.


Paths to Marriage

This handout gives a brief explanation for several types of relationships that end in marriage. Students are then asked to evaluate the reading and complete a journal prompt.


Reflections on Relating

This poem provides a reflection on the fears and insecurities that we all carry underneath the outward impressions we give off.


Life Issues B Activity: Meeting Jesus: A Guided Meditation

A guided meditation that uses the imagination to spend time with Jesus and understand how he wants us to live.


The Wonders of God's Creation

For the next twenty-four hours, pay attention to experiences and details of your day. The following list suggests phenomena for you to observe, and you may think of other subjects for observation. Create an observation journal on a separate sheet …


Prayer Questions

Reflection questions relating to prayer.


Lord, This Is for You

Reflection on the First Commandment.


I Have a Mission

A prayer/reflection about one’s mission of service to God.

Saint Marguerite d’Youville (1701-1771)

Saint Marguerite d'Youville was born in rural Quebec in 1701 into serious poverty, and dropped out of school to help her widowed mother and younger brothers and sisters. She married unhappily when she was 21, and when her husband died …


The Gift of God's Word

A reflective service on the gift of God’s Word.


Mary, Queen of Peace

A list of several questions regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary that can be used as writing or reflection prompts.


Contemplation - 2/2 Fr. Thomas Dubay

Father Thomas Dubay discusses contemplation and the means by which one can attain a deep prayer life.


Contemplation - 1/2 Fr. Thomas Dubay

Father Thomas Dubay discusses contemplation and the means by which one can attain a deep prayer life.


The First Address from Pope Benedict XVI

"Grace and peace in abundance to all of you! In my soul there are two contrasting sentiments in these hours. On the one hand, a sense of inadequacy and human turmoil for the responsibility entrusted to me yesterday as the …


January 22: Reflection on Roe vs. Wade

I walked with George the other day, And this is what he had to say: "If this is what its come to, then I'm glad that I've passed on. For the foundation laid so long ago apparently is gone. What …


On the Frontier of Justice in Ghana

"Africa has been the land of hope, salvation, and redemption. Abraham had come to Africa, Joseph from slave to savior. It was the land of refuge for Jesus and helped to carry his cross. Will we continue to dismiss Africa …


Undergraduates and Theology: Why Bother?

They seemed happily unaware of traditional teachings.... I thought them unchurched. The invitation to spell out what I see happening today in theological education for undergraduates is too good to pass up. I’ve been teaching undergraduates for nearly 30 years. …


Don't Cancel that Guilt Trip

A few weeks ago it was brought home to me how strongly our society has rejected the idea of struggling with one's conscience as necessary or beneficial. I was teaching Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple (Harbrace, 1982), and the …


Everyday Works of Mercy

Are you more Christian than you give yourself credit for being? My belief is that there are many like that--that many dedicated Christian people have compartmentalized their lives and have excluded important and central areas of their lives from what …


Fruit from the Vineyards of Faith Community

Participants in this summer's workshop "The Catholic High School as Faith Community" offered one another insights from their experience in the "vineyards" of Catholic high school teaching and campus ministry. We are happy to pass some of their "fruit of …


Committing to Your School's Catholic Identity and Mission

A group of fifty-four religion teachers, campus ministers, and administrators from thirty-seven Catholic high schools across the United States gathered in June 1995 to share dreams, struggles, and moments of grace around the theme of building faith community in their …