
Web Quest on Renaissance Culture

Write your group member’s names at the top of this handout, and circle the topic assigned to your group. Use the Internet to locate three reliable sources about your group’s assigned topic in Renaissance culture. Use this handout to organize …


Measuring Up David and Goliath

A worksheet where students fill in a chart using the story of David and Goliath as well as answering questions.


The Threefold Ministry of a Bishop

This resource is a group activity worksheet that has students list examples of the Bishop’s roles in the areas of teaching, governing, and sanctifying.


Understanding Christ the High Priest

A worksheet to help students understand Christ’s identity as the ultimate High Priest through examining scripture passages.


Five Models of the Church

An activity where students are given a chart containing the meanings, strengths, and limitations of each of the five models of the Church and asked to answer related questions.


Digital Story - Bartolome de las Casas

This video contains readings from the journals of Bartholome de las Casas, the priest who helped alter the inhumane treatment of Native Americans by the colonizers.


Ordinary Discipleship and Matthew, Chapter 25

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It focuses on Matthew 25, highlighting the works of mercy Jesus' speaks of, asking students to reflect on the skills need for each type of ministry and discipleship.


Praying with and for the Suffering Body of Christ

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can research, present on, and pray for various countries in need.


Research on the Sacraments

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers a chart to fill in various question and key points in discussing the Sacraments, and serves as good preparation for students doing research.


Group Review Form for Posters About Jesus

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers a review form for students or teachers to fill out after doing a poster project.


American and Catholic: Inviting Current Events into Religion Class

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, my students discussed Catholic social teaching on war and peace. One of my students said, "This is not the time to be Catholic; this is the time to be an American." He was …

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