
Web Quest on Renaissance Culture

Write your group member’s names at the top of this handout, and circle the topic assigned to your group. Use the Internet to locate three reliable sources about your group’s assigned topic in Renaissance culture. Use this handout to organize …


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of Discernment of God's Will

A preassessment in the form of a survey for the student to gain self-knowledge that can be used to discern God’s will in their life.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of Consecrated Life

A preassessment for students about their knowledge of terms associated with consecrated life.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Sacrament of Holy Orders

A preassessment about things that a student already knows, thinks that they know, and wants to know about the Sacrament of Holy Orders.


The Threefold Ministry of a Bishop

This resource is a group activity worksheet that has students list examples of the Bishop’s roles in the areas of teaching, governing, and sanctifying.


Final Performance Task Options for Unit 4

Options of final task performances for students to choose from to demonstrate their knowledge about the Sacrament of marriage.


Digital Story - Bartolome de las Casas

This video contains readings from the journals of Bartholome de las Casas, the priest who helped alter the inhumane treatment of Native Americans by the colonizers.


Traditional Catholic Orders

Slideshow of names and pictures of an assortment of Catholic orders.

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