
Empathizing (Religion in the Modern World)

This article provides several suggestions of ways to help students reflect on their experiences with people from different forms of religion in the modern world.


Empathizing (Islam)

This handout provides several suggestions to help students draw connections between Islam and Christianity.


Empathizing (Christianity)

This handout provides several suggestions to help students draw connections between the various denominations of Christianity.


Empathizing (Judaism)

This handout provides several suggestions to help students draw connections between Christianity and Judaism.


Empathizing (The Ancestors of the West)

This handout provides several suggestions to help students draw connections between Christianity and polytheistic religions of the West.


Empathizing (Shinto)

This article provides several possible ideas of ways to help students see, experience, and better understand the Shinto religion.


Empathizing (Zen Buddhism)

This short article provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Zen Buddhism.


Empathizing (Taoism)

This short article provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Taoism.


Empathizing (Confucianism)

This short handout provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Confucianism.


Empathizing (Sikhism)

This short handout provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Sikhism.


Empathizing (Jainism)

This short handout provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Jainism.


Empathizing (Buddhism)

This short handout provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Buddhism.


Empathizing (Hinduism)

This short handout provides questions, reflections, and suggestions to help students empathize with Hinduism.


Empathizing (Indigenous Religious Traditions)

This short handout provides questions and reflections to help students empathize with indigenous religions.


Comparing and Contrasting Religion in the Modern World with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and religion in the modern world.


Comparing and Contrasting Islam with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Islam and Christianity


Comparing and Contrasting Forms of Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in different forms of Christianity.


Comparing and Contrasting Judaism with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Judaism.


Comparing and Contrasting the Ancestors of the West with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and the Ancestors of the West.


Comparing and Contrasting Shinto with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Shinto.


Comparing and Contrasting Zen Buddhism with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Zen Buddhism.


Comparing and Contrasting Taoism with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Taoism.


Comparing and Contrasting Confucianism with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Confucianism.


Comparing and Contrasting Sikhism with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Sikhism.


Comparing and Contrasting Jainism with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Jainism.


Comparing and Contrasting Buddhism with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts several key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Buddhism.


Comparing and Contrasting Hinduism with Christianity

This short handout compares and contrasts the key ideas and beliefs in Christianity and Hinduism.


Worldviews: Religions and Their Relatives

This article explores two examples of modern worldviews and how they different from traditional religions.


Teacher Evaluation An Interreligious Interview

A teacher evaluation for interviewing someone of a different religion.


An Interreligious Interview

This handout offers guidelines for setting up an interview with a person from a different religion.


The Ninety-Nine Names of God

This handout lists the ninety-nine Islamic names for God and poses several questions regarding the list.


"In the Beginning Was the Word"

After presenting John 1:1-18 from the Christian Bible, this handout challenges to students to identify key parts that describe the doctrine of the incarnation.


Images of Jesus

This handout provides many different images and descriptions of Jesus for students to examine and relate to.


Greek and Roman Gods Today

This handout challenges students to identify the associations they have with Greek and Roman gods.


A Zoroastrian Symbol

This handout presents a Zoroastrian Symbol of faith and explains its elements. Students are then challenged to create their own symbol to represent their personal understanding of faith and human nature.


"The Canticle of Brother Sun"

A Canticle prayer by Saint Francis of Assisi


Koans: Food for Intuition

This worksheet presents Zen koans to be interpreted or explained.


The Sikh Khalsa

The information on this handout provides further insight into the nature of the Sikh Khalsa



A guided reflection of the Buddhist image of Kuan-Yin



This handout is to be used as students rotate to various stations. At this station, students examine a picture depicting monks in Thailand.


Objects Used in Tibetan Rituals

This handout is to be used as students rotate to various stations. At this station, students examine objects used in Tibetan rituals.


The Fasting Siddhartha

This handout is meant to be used as part of a station activity in which students observe different pieces of artwork from various religions.


Right Speech

This handout provides a reflection on students’ use of words and speech. Students identify ways to improve their use of words to speak truth and kind things.


Right Meditation

This handout provides a space for students to write impressions, observations, or questions that arise as they meditate on a statue of Buddha.