Living and Loving Our Catholic Faith

Affirming Life: Our Response to God's Love 

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  • Uncover, with young people, the depth and breadth of Catholic teaching regarding life issues. 
  • Enable adult leaders to teach young people to become grounded in the Catholic moral vision of Christ.
  • Explore real life topics including charity, abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, and living with dignity, among others are discussed.
  • The sessions are ready-to-go with handouts included in the print version with additional handouts and PowerPoints available electronically.
  • Includes a primer for adult leaders on Affirming Life, Affirming Love: The God of Love and Human Life. 


Product Details

Publisher: National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry

Edition: Volume 5

Copyright: Nov. 26, 2012

Format: Paperback

Size: 8.5 x 11

Length: 113 pages

Weight: 0.800lbs

Item number: 8143

ISBN: 978-1-932619-00-3

ISBN-10: 1-932619-00-3

View Complete Series

Living and Loving Our Catholic Faith: Sacraments: Celebrations of Grace
