Understanding Jesus, Revised Edition
Christology from Emmaus to Today
Understanding Jesus: Christology from Emmaus to Today is a highly usable and accessible text that helps engage questions surrounding the religious significance of Jesus within Christian tradition. The book surveys the landscape of contemporary Christology, providing an overview of the range of current issues and filling the gap in introductory texts on Christology by moving, with ease, through biblical material, Christological councils, contemporary debates, and even addressing the issues of religious pluralism and Christology.
Understanding Jesus is a complete revision of author Christopher McMahon’s earlier book, Jesus Our Salvation: An Introduction to Christology. It includes updated text, new material, and a faith-friendly perspective that is hospitable to readers of a wide range of faith convictions. Sidebars and charts in each chapter highlight and develop key issues, ideas, historical moments, and personalities, while a glossary, chapter questions, and suggestions for further reading enhance accessibility.
Product Details
Publisher: Anselm Academic
Edition: Revised
Copyright: Sept. 2, 2013
Format: Paperback
Size: 6 x 9
Length: 288 pages
Weight: 0.800lbs
Item number: 7047
ISBN: 978-1-59982-426-0
ISBN-10: 1-59982-426-4