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Reconnecting America’s Loneliest Generation 

(1 Review)

By Josh Packard, PhD, John M. Vitek, MA, Jerry Ruff, Brian Singer-Towns and Ellen Koneck, MAR

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In Belonging: Reconnecting America’s Loneliest Generation, Springtide® Research Institute shares new research about the landscape of loneliness drawn from a national study. The study revealed epidemic levels of isolation among young people and has shown why participation does not equate to belonging. 

This report shows how you can cultivate thriving, relationship-driven programs that truly connect with young people. Building this sense of true belonging in young people is a process you can easily weave into your work with them.

Product Details

Publisher: Springtide™ Research Institute

Copyright: March 30, 2020

Format: Paperbound

Size: 7.25 x 9.25

Length: 76 pages

Weight: 0.600lbs

Item number: 5928

ISBN: 978-1-64121-089-8

ISBN-10: 1-64121-089-3

Digital ISBN: 9781641210966

Special Feature

How do we help young people find a place to belong—where they are noticed, named, and known?

Nearly 1/3 of young people say they have no trusted adults in their lives. 

35% say they have no one to turn to when they feel stressed.

Using the unique, research-based Belongingness Process outlined in this book, you'll learn what you can do to help young people feel noticednamed, and known to turn the tide on the epidemic of loneliness for the newest generations.

About Springtide™ Research Institute

Springtide is listening to the inner and outer lives of young people ages 13 to 25. As an unbiased research institute, we seek to help those who care about young people care better, by amplifying and honoring young people’s lived experiences through careful research and actionable insights.

Customer Reviews

4.0 out of 5 stars Good for youth ministers and young adult ministry


By Delia Keen

As a Youth Minister and Confirmation Coordinator at a Catholic parish this book helped answer the question of why young people are disaffiliating with the church and joining the category of religious identity of "none." It is in line with Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation, "Christ is Alive," which calls on the Church to accompany young people in the faith. The accompaniment model embodies the ideas presented in this book. In my work, it has informed me of the greater task of small groups being to establish a sense of belonging among it's members instead of just being a place to discuss information. Working on building a sense of belonging is a focus of this ministry year in our parish. I am actually in the process of preparing a presentation for our parish small group ministers on this topic. For anyone in Catechesis, Youth or Young Adult Ministry, purchasing this book is a MUST!
View Complete Series

Going, Going, Gone: The Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics


Beyond Disaffiliation: A Process for Hope-Filled Action: Guidebook and Digital documentary
