
An Inside Look 

(1 Review)

By Kathleen Rooney, SSJ


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Sisters: An Inside Look is the story of one Roman Catholic sister living out her call to the consecrated religious life. Sr. Kathleen Rooney reflects on her ministerial journey in the light of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience that she made upon entering her community. She describes the requirements, the opportunities, the work, the rewards, and the challenges of being a sister.

Product Details

Copyright: Jan. 1, 2001

Format: Stitched

Size: 6 x 9

Length: 88 pages

Weight: 0.350lbs

Item number: 5505

ISBN: 978-0-88489-710-1

ISBN-10: 0-88489-710-9

Customer Reviews

By Sr. Joyce Kolbe, vocation director, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Mankato, Minnesota

What a wonderful blend of valuable information and personal stories! Being a sister myself for 27 years, I resonate with many of Sr. Kathleen Rooney's experiences. She truly offers "an inside look" that is engaging, realistic, informational, and inviting. As a person who presently ministers as vocation director for my community, I am delighted to have this new resource to offer young women as they explore religious life. Hats off to the happy, committed author and all those women and men who have shaped her life!
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An Inside Look: A Leader's Guide to the Vocations Series
