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Never Too Young to Lead

Developing Leadership in Young Adolescents 

(1 Review)

By Maureen P. Provencher


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Never Too Young to Lead offers faith communities resources and strategies to develop leadership qualities and skills in young adolescents. This manual includes six themes on Christian leadership: leadership styles, listening skills, conflict resolution, trust and responsibility, leadership and discipleship, and planning and strategy.

The sessions found in Never Too Young to Lead provide a broad overview of leadership with the aid of scriptural images, and include activities for training youth in essential leadership skills and qualities. The manual also offers strategies for using the sessions to create daylong, weekend, or weeklong training programs for young adolescents.

Product Details

Copyright: Jan. 1, 2006

Format: Paperback

Size: 8.5 x 11

Length: 96 pages

Weight: 0.650lbs

Item number: 3821

ISBN: 978-0-88489-873-3

ISBN-10: 0-88489-873-3

Customer Reviews

By Mary Lee Becker, national speaker, consultant, and trainer in young adolescent ministry

Never Too Young to Lead makes Christian leadership real, relevant, and realistic for the curious, cautious, or confident young adolescent! The interactive learning dynamics will capture their imagination and energy. Sessions are practical and flexible, providing variety and a balance of knowledge, skills, values, faith perspective, life application, and prayer. Young adolescents will be empowered as valued and valuable young disciples in our world today!
Editorial Reviews

Catholic Library World, March, 2007

This book is highly recommended to youth ministry personnel who are committed to developing leaders among their young adolescents, and for Catholic middle school religion teachers and guidance counselors.
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