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Prayer Works for Teens: Book 1

Resources for Parishes, Schools, and Families 

(1 Review)

By Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart


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The four books in Prayer Works for Teens offer prayers with themes for every kind of youth ministry setting in which prayer takes place. Each book includes three sets of prayer experiences, and each set consists of four prayer formats: a short prayer, a medium-length reflection prayer, a long ritual prayer, and a family prayer. Every prayer set focuses on a different image or object. Handouts are included for each prayer. An appendix in each volume lists the prayers for all four volumes, indexed by Scripture citations and themes, making it easy for youth ministers to match up a prayer with their specific needs.

The family component is a unique aspect of Prayer Works. So often families have no idea what their teenage members do at parish events. However, Prayer Works gives you an easy way to involve parents and siblings in the prayer experienced by the teen, including family handouts and sample letters for families.

Book 1: Images and Themes

  • Rock: faith that is solid as a rock, the strength of a rock, the rock's sacredness to the Lakota people.
  • Aloe Plant: pain, healing, and connection to God.
  • Children of God: the status of a child, humility, the "kindom" of God.
Product Details

Copyright: Jan. 1, 1997

Format: Paperback

Size: 8.5 x 11

Length: 72 pages

Weight: 0.450lbs

Item number: 3366

ISBN: 978-0-88489-432-2

ISBN-10: 0-88489-432-0

Customer Reviews

By Maryann Hakowski, member of the pastoral team of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, Illinois

A unique aspect of Prayer Works is the family component. The opportunity for young people to bring faith sharing from prayer experienced in youth ministry settings to the family dinner table is an exciting possibility.
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