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Nurturing Spirituality with Faculty and Staff

A Vision Paper for Administrators, Campus Ministers, Faculty, and Staff 

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By Janet Claussen


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The adults in our schools need nurturing, too—not just the students. There is great need among faculty and staff for affirmation, healing, encouragement, support, and celebration. Some of those needs can be met through programs and services, others by extending ourselves personally to those with whom we work. This vision paper offers ideas for nurturing the spirits of the faculty and staff, and includes reflection questions, a survey on staff spiritual enrichment, and a bibliography.

This monograph was written using insights from teachers and campus ministers from Catholic schools around the country after several three-day workshops titled "The Catholic High School as Faith Community," and, more recently, workshops titled "Nurturing Spirituality with Faculty and Staff," sponsored by Saint Mary's Press.

Saint Mary's Press grants permission to photocopy this vision paper for use with the faculty and staff in your school, or you may purchase multiple copies for $3.00 each.

Product Details

Copyright: Jan. 1, 1999

Format: Stitched

Size: 6 x 9

Length: 32 pages

Weight: 0.100lbs

Item number: 1312

ISBN: 978-0-88489-638-8

ISBN-10: 0-88489-638-2

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