6 LEARN MORE AT UNIT 3: JESUS TEACHES US Chapter Lesson Goals Scripture Key Words* Catechism Pillar Catechism References People of Faith 11.  Jesus Teaches abouttheKingdom 12.  We Celebrate Together at Mass 13.  We Live God’s Word 14. Welcoming Everyone 15.  We Pray at Mass Believe Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Saint John Vianney Saint Fiacre Saint Mother Teresa of Kolkata (Calcutta) Pope Saint Pius X 541–570 763–769 2046 KingdomofHeaven, parables, valuable persecution,sown,bear, Word of God union,rejoice,attitude, participate, worthy disciple,covenant, miracle, communal humble,tolerant, preserve,unity, apologize • to explain that Jesus teaches us about the importance of the Kingdom of Heaven • to define the Kingdom of Heaven as wherever God rules over people’s hearts • tostatethewaysinwhich we can help the Kingdom of Heaven to come • to review that Jesus gave us his Body and Blood at the Last Supper • tostatethatineveryMass Jesusgiveshimselftousas he did at the Last Supper • to explain that ordinary bread is changed into the Body and Blood of Christ at every Mass • to state that we learn about God’s message through the Bible and the Church • to discuss what it means to open our hearts to receive God’s message • to explain that we are called to listen to God’s message and to act on it • to state that God calls us to be kind and welcoming to everyone • to recognize that kindness includes gentleness and patience • to articulate that we can apologize when we are mean or upset others • to state that we rejoice and give thanks because of Jesus • to identify that at Mass wegivethanksforallGod’s gifts, especially for Jesus • to explain that we can express our praise and thanksgiving at Mass through prayers and responses 1322–1419 74–141 1100–1101 1928–1948 2212–2213 1322–1419 Celebrate Live Pray Live: Catholic Social Teaching Matthew 13:44–46 (p. 1480) Mark 14:22–24 (p. 1560) Mark 4:16–20 (p. 1534) Ephesians 4:1–6 (p. 1846) Philippians 4:4–7 (p. 1858) *Bold and italicized key words indicate terms introduced and defined in TheCatholicChildren’sBible DISCOVER! GRADE 1 SCOPE & SEQUENCE Liturgical Season Lesson Goals Scripture Key Words* Chapter Catechism References People of Faith All Saints’ Day A Call to Holiness Advent Preparing for Jesus Christmas We Celebrate Jesus’ Birth Lent Following Jesus More Closely All Saints Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception Saint Nicholas of Myra Saint Joseph 946–962 992–996 confusion,wailing, Communion of Saints, Purgatory shepherd,flock, angel, savior locust,prepare pity,prize, Alleluia, alsmgiving • to explain that Jesus brought a little girl to life as a hint of resurrection and eternal life • to identify that the saints live forever through the power of Jesus’ Resurrection • to discuss our own resurrection and eternal life with God and the saints • to indicate that John the Baptist prepared the people for Jesus • to identify ourselves as wanting to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas • to describe ways we can make ourselves ready for Jesus • to explain that angels are God’s messengers • to identify that the shepherds’ fear was turned to joy when they heard about Jesus’ birth • to name that Jesus’ birth is Good News for us too • to identify that the father in the story is a reminder of God and his forgiveness • to state that during Lent we make a special effort to be kind and to forgive others • to recall our need to ask for forgiveness 522–524 456–460 477–478 527–530 976–987 1846–1851 Mark 5:38–42 (p. 1538) Mark 1:4–8 (p. 1526) Luke 2:8–11, 13 (p. 1578) Luke 15:11, 20–24 (p. 1620) LITURGICAL SEASON LESSONS