16 LEARN MORE AT Unit 1: Our Covenant with God Unit 2: Jesus Is the New Covenant Unit 3: Others Help Us Keep the Covenant Unit 4: We Live the Covenant GRADE 4 SCOPE & SEQUENCE UNIT 1: OUR COVENANT WITH GOD Chapter Lesson Goals Scripture Key Words* Catechism Pillar Catechism References People of Faith 1.  God Make a Promise 2.  We Celebrate God’s Care for Us 3.  God’s People Promise to Live the Covenant 4.  WeCelebrate& CarefortheEarth 5.  We Are Part of a New Covenant Believe Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) Moses the Patriarch Saint Joseph Pope Francis Saint Mark 59–63, 72 144–147 762, 1222 2570–2572 covenant,ancestor, descendants, solemn, faith altar,sacrifice,covenant disciple,covenant, institute worship,generation, accuse, Ten Commandments Israelites, Sabbath created,descendants, steward, dominion, stewardship • to define the word covenant as a serious agreement between God and people • to explain that God made a covenant with Abraham • to state that because of Abraham’s faith, he became the father of the Jewish People • to explain that God made a covenant with Moses and the Israelites • to identify that the Ten Commandmentsarerules from God to help his people be safe and happy • tostatethatwhenweobey the Ten Commandments, we are celebrating God’s care for us • to review that God promised to be the God of the people of Israel • to state that the people of Israel promised to obey the Ten Commandments • to explain that we are part of this covenant with God • to review that God made the Earth, and us, out of love • to identify that God placed human beings in charge of caring for the Earth • to state that God asks us to care for the Earth and we agree to do our part • to identify that God promised to send us a savior, Jesus • to explain that Jesus gave us his Body and Blood and made a New Covenant with us • to state that every Mass is a celebration of the New Covenant 2052–2195 2196–2557 299 306–307 337–344 1, 73 578–580 610–611 Celebrate Live Pray Live: Catholic Social Teaching Genesis 17:1, 3–8 (p. 44) Exodus 20:2–3, 6–8, 12–17 (p. 132) Exodus 24:4–7, 12 (p. 140) Genesis 1:26–31 (p. 22) Mark 14:22–24 (p. 1560) *Bold and italicized key words indicate terms introduced and defined in TheCatholicChildren’sBible