19 SMP.ORG • 800-533-8095 Lent Easter Pentecost Ordinary Time Saint Augustine of Hippo Saint James the Greater Saint Hippolytus Blessed Frederic Ozanam 1217–1222 1229–1233 pursued,chariot,panic new creation disciple, Resurrection righteous • to explain that the waters of Baptism lead us to freedom from the slavery of sin • to identify Lent as a season in which we prepare for the renewal of our baptismal promises at Easter • to define the Easter Vigil as the night when new Christians receive the Sacraments of Initiation • to recall that Easter is the season in which we celebrate Jesus’ rising from the dead • to explain that the Risen Jesus is present at every Eucharist, just as he was at the meal with the two disciples • to compare this event to the celebration of the Eucharist, in which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ with faith and love • to state that the Holy Spirit moved over the disciples at Pentecost, forming a new creation, the new Kingdom of God • to identify that the Holy Spirit moves over us at Baptism and Confirmation, which makes us a new creation • to recognize that the Holy Spirit guides and strengthens us with the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit • to recall that Ordinary Time is the season of the year when we learn more about Jesus’ life and teachings • to identify that caring for others was a key part of Jesus’ life and teaching • to name ways we can care for people in need all through the year 638–658 1169 1384–1390 683–747 2670–2672 678, 1397 1822–1829 1929–1933 2443–2449 Exodus 14:21–25 (p. 122) Luke 24:28–32 (p. 1644) Genesis 1:1–5 (p. 21) Matthew 25:34, 37–40 (p. 1510) UNIT 4: WE LIVE THE COVENANT Chapter Lesson Goals Scripture Key Words* Catechism Pillar Catechism References People of Faith 16.  The Way to Happiness 17.  We Celebrate Our Covenant with God 18.  Living the Covenant 19.  We Care for Those Who Are Poor 20. God’s Covenant Love Believe Saint Josephine Bakhita Saint David the King Jean Vanier Saint Katharine Drexel Saint Peter Claver 1716–1729 merciful,purein heart, Beatitudes claim, envy persecution,victory arkoftheLord, fatling,girt,Ark of the Covenant, tabernacle, sanctuary lamp trample,measures, debt,sworn, justice • to identify that Jesus shows us the way to God’s Kingdom • to define three ways to be happy as taught by Jesus • to describe how we can follow the ways to happiness today • to state that the Ark of the Covenant was a sign of the presence of God and his covenant among the community • to identify that God’s presence among us brings us joy • to name the Mass as the way we celebrate our covenant with God today • to identify that love was Jesus’ message in the New Covenant • to name love in action as something that can help those who are in need • to state that the Sixth, Ninth, and Tenth Commandments are against unloving thoughts and actions • to summarize that the prophet Amos called people to treat others fairly and justly • to identify that we are called to share what we have with others who may not have enough • to state that following the covenant means treating others fairly and justly • to identify that Jesus showed us that nothing can separate us from God’s love • to recall the love of God and how it has been shown to us in our lives • to state that prayer is our connection with God who loves us 1322–1332 1373–1375 2130, 2594 1822–1829 2331–2400 2443–2449 2514–2557 1397 2401–2463 603 2558–2745 Celebrate Live Pray Live: Catholic Social Teaching Matthew 5:6–9 (p. 1456) 2 Samuel 6:12–15 (p. 424) 1 John 3:11, 16–18 (p. 1936) Amos 8:4–7 (p. 1390) Romans 8:35, 37–39 (p. 1780) DISCOVER! GRADE 4 SCOPE & SEQUENCE A Time of Preparation Meeting the Risen Jesus Strengthened by the Spirit Jesus’ Life and Teachings