22 LEARN MORE AT DISCOVER! GRADE 5 SCOPE & SEQUENCE UNIT 3: JESUS HEALS US Chapter Lesson Goals Scripture Key Words* Catechism Pillar Catechism References People of Faith 11.  We Pray for Healing 12.  We Celebrate Healing 13.  We Are Forgiven 14.  We Love One Another 15.  We Ask Jesus for Healing Believe Saint Martin de Porres Saint Bernadette of Lourdes Saint John Vianney Servant of God Chiara Lubich Blessed Solanus Casey 1420–1421 1469, 1499 1508–1509 penance, absolution humility solidarity • to state that prayer is important in times when healing is needed • to identify that healing can be both spiritual and physical • to define the Sacraments of Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick as Sacraments of Healing • to recall that Jesus forgave sins and healed physical illnesses • to identify that the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of strengthening and, if God wills it, physical healing • to discuss the effects of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick • to identify forgiveness as an essential part of Christian life • to describe sin as an offense against God, hurtful to our neighbor, and a weakening of the Body of Christ • toexplainthekeyelements and effects of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation • to recall that love is the Great Commandment in the Christian life • to identify the death and Resurrection of Jesus as his great act of love for us • to explain that love is shown not only in words but in actions • to state that the root of asking for something in prayer is humility • to identify that faith and trust are part of prayers for healing • to name some ways we can ask Jesus for healing in faith and trust 1499–1532 1440–1470 1849–1850 344, 1694 1822–1829 1889 1939–1942 2196 1504 2559–2565 2607–2615 2631 Celebrate Live Pray Live: Catholic Social Teaching James 5:13–16 (p. 1917) Mark 2:1–12 (p. 1525) Luke 7:36–50 (p. 1595) 1 John 3:11–18 (p. 1934) Luke 7:1–10 (p. 1591) Liturgical Season Lesson Goals Scripture Key Words Chapter Catechism References People of Faith All Souls’ Day From Death to New Life Advent Preparing for the Coming of Jesus Our Lady of Guadalupe Mother of Us All Christmas The Word Became Human The Holy Souls Saint Elizabeth Our Lady of Guadalupe Saint John the Evangelist 1020–1032 1038–1041 Holy Souls, Purgatory tilma,mestiza Advent, Magnificat incarnate • to recognize that All Souls’ Day is the day we pray for those who have died • to explain that All Souls’ Day follows All Saints’ Day in the liturgical calendar so that we can spend these two days remembering those who have gone before us in faith • to define death as not an end to life, but a change or transfer to life forever • to recognize that Advent is the season when we prepare to celebrate that Jesus made God’s promise come true • to state that Mary’s special role in salvation was to be the Mother of God • to identify Mary as someone who spoke for those who are poor • to recognize that the Church honors Mary throughout the year with various feasts • to state that honoring Mary is not worship, which we owe only to God • to identify Our Lady of Guadalupe as Patroness of All the Americas • toidentifytheseasonofChristmas as the celebration of the Word, Jesus, coming into the world • to name Christmas as a celebration of the coming of Christ in three ways: into the world, into our hearts, and at the end of time • to state that the Christmas season lasts from December 25th to the Sunday of the Baptism of the Lord 456–463 522–526 721–726 963–975 422–424 456–463 Romans 6:3–9 (p. 1776) Luke 1:39–56 (p. 1572) Revelation 11:19a; 12:1–6a, 10 (p. 1954) John 1:1–14 (p. 1649) LITURGICAL SEASON LESSONS