b'Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 19, 2021Gospel Reading: Luke 1:3945Theme: Mary Is Our MotherActivity: Storybook ImaginingThis Sundays Gospel is the account of Marys visit to her cousin Elizabeth, which Catholics call the Visitation. It is a beautiful story, but we just hear the bare bones version. However, the people of God have a history of meditating on biblical stories by filling in the details using our imagination (a process Jew-ish people call midrash). Lead the children in an imaginative meditation.First, ask the children to speculate about what Mary might have been feeling, or other details not included in the story. Then introduce an illustrated chil-drens storybook on Mary. You may already have such a book in the school or parish library; if not, here are some recommended titles:Mary, the Mother of Jesus, by Tomie de Paola (Ignatius Press, 2020)The Life of Mary for Children, by Karen Cavanaugh (Regina Press, 2000)All about Mary Mother of Jesus (Baby Professor, 2017)Gather the children around to read the childrens book to them. You can read the whole book or just the section on the Visitation. Pause to show the children the pictures and to elicit comments and observations about details that help them better understand Marys experience. When you are finished, lead the children in praying the Hail Mary.By leading children through creative reflection on the Advent Gospel readings, you will help them truly prepare their hearts for Christmas and encounter the Word in a way that changes hearts and touches lives.The Scripture quotations in this article are from the Good News Translation (Todays English Version, Second Edition). Copyright1992 by the American Bible Society. All rights reserved. Bible text from the Good News Translation (GNT) is not to be reproduced in copies or otherwise by any means except as permitted in writing by the American Bible Society, 1865 Broadway, New York, NY 10023( www.americanbible.org).smp.org/inspire 9'