b'Expel Fear Naming fear is an important step when exploring the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, especially with children. Many children (and adults) experience fear around this sacrament, ranging from fear of revealing the worst about themselves to fear of getting the logistics of the sacrament wrong. Address these fears directly. Provide a fear factor box: Invite the children to write anonymous notes naming their fears about the sacrament (both for those preparing for their First Reconciliation and for those who have received the sacrament previously). Set aside intentional time to address each named fear.Meet the confessors: Bring in those who will be serving as confessors during the year so the children can develop a comfort level with them. Invite each confessor to speak about their own experience of Reconciliation.Prepare for the rite: Invite the children to prepare a cheat sheet or index card for themselves as they prepare to celebrate the sacrament.Include families: Oftentimes, adults experience the same fears as children regarding the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Include families in your fear-busting activities, and send home the Dos and Donts for Parents: Reconciliation handout (found on pages 2425 of this issue), which offers some broader advice for families of children preparing to receive the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. 22 Inspire!Winter/Advent 2021'