b'The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation can be a beautiful moment of grace and joy, love, and mercy if we are able to overcome the many negative fears and misperceptions often associated with it. Help the children and their families reclaim the beauty of this sacrament and celebrate it joyfully.The statistics quoted in this article are from Religion and Public Life, Pew Research Center, September 2, 2015.www.pewforum .org/2015/09/02/chapter-2-participation -in-catholic-rites-and-observances.The quotation by Pope Francis in this article is from Angelus (Saint Peters Square, August 2, 2015), atwww.vatican.va/content/francesco /en/angelus/2015/documents /papa-francesco _angelus_20150802.html.CopyrightLEV.smp.org/inspire 23'