b'Present the PositivesChildren are often presented with a list of dos and donts regarding sin, or a lengthy examination of conscience when preparing for Reconciliation. They are given a negative list of ways they may have failed or a series of specific questions that cannot possibly address every aspect of their existence. While lists are often focused on the Ten Commandments, they often focus on spe-cific, negative actions, without addressing the larger context (or allowing for individual reflection).Spend time exploring the intent of the Ten Commandments (living in community, honoring others, being a person of integrity, and so forth) and asking the children how those aspects can be found in their lives. Explore the Ten Commandments as lifelong goals to pursue, and discuss ways we all can do better at pursuing them right now. Conclude any consideration of the Ten Commandments with a reflection on the Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:3540), which calls all to love God, self, and neighbor.smp.org/inspire 21'