b'ABOUT THEfrom the editorPUBLISHERSaint Marys Press is a nonprofit, Lasallian Catholic publisher administered byAs fall turns to winter, the seasons of our the Christian Brothers of theChurch also change. November brings Midwest District. Our focus isa shift from Ordinary Time to Advent, a contemporary expressionwhich begins on Sunday, November 28, of the Catholic Churchsthis year. Advent provides an opportunitymission to proclaim thefor reflection, repentance, andGood News of Jesus Christpreparation as we look ahead to the and the Lasallian missioncelebration of Christmas.to provide a human andAs we all know, it is easy for Advent to Christian education for youngbe overshadowed by the cultural realities of Christmas, not only people, including those whoin our ministry but in our own spiritual journeys. This issue of are economically deprived.Inspire provides material to help teachers, catechists, children,Creative ReflectionWith our partners in schools,and families slow down and intentionally embrace Advent. You parishes, and families, wewill find creative ideas to help children reflect on the Gospels share the Good News offor each Sunday of Advent as well as activities and coloring Jesus Christ with Christianpages that allow children to deepen their engagement with children and young people through publications andthe Scriptures of Advent. Advent 2021services.The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is also prominent in this issue, as it can be a central part of our spiritual Advent preparations. Included are suggestions and activities that CONTRIBUTORS empower children to engage and embrace the celebration of Steven Ellair, Jill Johnson,the sacrament. Also included are some aspects of preparation Sigrid Lindholm, Laurie Ziliak,for celebrating this sacrament. Recommendations and a handout Brian Singer-Towns are also included for engaging families in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.A @SaintMarysPress It is our hope that this Advent is a time of spiritual renewal for you and for those with whom you minister. We are grateful for the work you do with children and families and are happy to be B Saint Marys Press able to be part of your journey.F Saint Marys Press Live Jesus in our hearts . . . forever!Copyright2021 by Saint Marys Press, ChristianSteven EllairBrothers Publications, 702 Terrace Heights, Winona, MN 55987-1320, www.smp.org. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce the materials intended for distribution to the children. No other part 4 of this magazine may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the publisher.'