b'In essence, whenever we talk about Gods Word Break Open Scripture at Homeand what it means in our lives, we are doing a type of breaking open the Word. Parents and children can grow in faith by reflecting together on the Word of God. Encourage parents to break open Scripture by asking children these two questions:What did you hear? What did it mean?What did you hear? Another way to ask this question might be, What was the Scripture story today? The purpose of this question is to allow the child to talk about the story. Often a child cannot remember what she or he heard, but after a little prompting, the child may respond in words like: Jesus was walking on water. The Apostles thought he was a ghost. Then the parent would naturally follow up with something like: What do you mean, Jesus was walking on water? Tell me more. Such an exchange is an example of how a parent encourages the child to talk about what she or he heard. Then the parent moves the conversation to the second question.What did it mean? Another way to ask this question is, What is Gods message? The purpose of this question is to help the child grasp a message for life. In the example of the story of Jesus walking on the water, the parent tries to lead the child to trust Jesus and turn to Jesus in times of trouble.Download this article to share with your parents at smp.org/sharescripture38 Inspire!Volume 2//Fall 2019'