b'PUT IT INTO ACTION !Enkindle the love of Jesus in the hearts of the young.To nurture children in faith:create an environment of SAINT JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE exploration and enjoyment;guide the children through the These words from Saint John Baptist de LaChurch Year and the liturgy;Salle are the heart and goal of the ministrymodel prayer for the learners;of faith formation. While we can tell childrengive the children opportunities to many important ideas about the practicerecognize and use their gifts and talents;of faith, they mean little if they do not helpsupport and encourage the faith the children discover the wonders, depth,formation that happens at home;and delight of a life of faith. As you seek toImplementing these practices in your engage your youth, incorporate these fivefaith formation program will engage actions steps for teaching and reachingand support the children as they children in your faith formation program.grow in their journey of faith!n12 Inspire!Volume 2//Fall 2019'