b'AC TI V IT YParts of One Body Relay1. Read Corinthians 12:12274. Give the pair a start signal, together in The Catholicand time how long it takes Childrens Bible (page 1807). them to get to the other side of the room. If the pair drops 2. Blow up several balloonstheir balloon, they have to go and write two different partsback to the beginning and start of the body on each, suchagain. Encourage the rest of as Elbow/Shoulder or Head/ the class to cheer the pairs on.Nose or Side/Back or Eye/Ear (or do this in advance). 5. Continue the activity with another pair of students and 3. Choose two students andwith different parts of the explain to them that theybody written on their balloon. have to get from one partRepeat this process until all of the room to another byof the children who want a touching the balloon onlychance have been paired and with one of the body partshave raced, reusing some written on the balloon.of the balloons if necessary. For example, if Head/Nose wasNote: If you have space, you written on the balloon, onecan also make this a race child may touch the balloonbetween several different with only his or her head andteams at the same time. the other child may touch the balloon with only his or her nose. Together they must move themselves and the balloon to the other side of the room. 14 Inspire!Volume 2//Fall 2019'