b'Process th eActivityInvite the children to share how theAsk the children how a person activity they just took part in is likebecomes part of the Church. If you being a part of the Church. (Answershave a copy of The Catholic Childrens might include: like the parts of theBible, have the children turn to page body, we all had to work together;1808 and read the Featured Story, the rest of the class cheering them onEvery Baptized Person Is Part of the is like the support we get from beingChurch. If not, return to 1 Corinthians part of the Church; we work together12:27 and read that verse aloud.with our different gifts for thePoint out that your group is like same purpose continuingthe Church, with each individual the mission of Jesus. child being an important part.This activity is adapted from Chapter 1 of the Eucharist Teaching Guide in the Go, Seek, Find: Discover Gods Treasures program.TO LEARN MORE ABOUT GO, SEEK, FIND,visit smp.org/gsf15'