b'Give the children a word, an image, or a question Carry it Homefrom Scripture that they can carry home, either tangibly or in their imaginations. A carry-home can be anything that helps the child to remember the Scripture story or the message from the Scripture story. For example, in the story Jesus Calls People to Follow Him (John 1:3551), Jesus says, Come and see (verse 39). After discussing the story and what it is that Jesus wants us to see, provide each child with a 3-x-5-index card and ask them to write the words of Jesus on the card. Then ask that they take the card home and make a note (on the opposite side of the card) whenever they see Jesus working in their lives over the next few days. Encourage the children to share their cards with their family and ask family members where they see Jesus.You can design a carry-home in any way that you choose. It might simply be an image of Jesus that the students carry home in their imagination such as an image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Other carry-home examples might include a craft, a song, a prayer from The Catholic Childrens Bible, a question to discuss with family, and so on.'