Corrine L. Carvalho, PhD
Corrine Carvalho is professor of theology and director of the University of Saint Thomas Luann Dummer Center for Women. She has also taught at Florida State University, where she was the recipient of the Teaching Incentive Program Award, and was nominated for the University Teaching Award and the Superior Liberal Studies Honors Teacher Award. The recipient of several grants and fellowships for her research and the author of numerous articles on biblical literature and history, Corrine serves as president of the Society of Biblical Literature's upper Midwest region, is active in the Catholic Biblical Association, and is a member of the National Association of Women in Catholic Higher Education. Her research interests focus on Israelite prophecy, Israelite religion, ancient Near Eastern religions, and the history of biblical interpretation. Dr. Carvalho received her PhD from Yale University, where she specialized in Old Testament studies, and her master's degree from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California.