b'UNIT 2: GOD SENDS HIS ONLY SONChapter 6.God Sends7.We Celebrate8.We Promise to9.Jesus Shows10.Jesus Teaches Jesus Baptism Live as Jesus Taught Us Gods Care Us to PrayCatechismBelieve Celebrate Live Live: Catholic Pillar Social Teaching Pray444821423127592865Catechism2322671213128420522055301 20832094 References 59962321562159 2196 356361 733741 1700Chapter to recall that God loves to review that we are to restate the Great to recognize that Jesus to review the meaning of Goals all creation born again in Baptism Commandment,knows that we worryprayer as talking to andto recognize that God to state that in Baptismwhich is actually two to articulate that Godlistening to Godloved the world so muchwe become children ofcommandments of love takes care of us alwaysto identify that Jesus that he sent Jesus God and members of the to indicate that following to identify the virtue oftaught us the Lordsto define the Trinity asChurch the Great Commandmenttrust in God as the way toPrayerthree Persons in one to identify Baptismmakes us more like God fight against worryto name the meaning of God: Father, Son, andas one of the Seven to explain that we shouldthe different parts of the Holy Spirit Sacraments evaluate our daily wordsLords Prayerand actions using the Great CommandmentScripture John 3:1617John 3:46Mark 12:2831Luke 12:2225Matthew 6:913 (p. 1656) (p. 1658) (p. 1556) (p. 1614) (p. 1460)KeySavior, sin, Heaven,womb, physicallycommandment, soul,disciple, harvest,will, Evil One, communicate, spiritually, sacrament,Old Testament, Newstorage, anxious hallowed, trespasses,Words * mystery grace Testament temptationPeople ofSaint DamienSaint Francis Xavier Saint MargaretSaint MotherSaint Teresa of vilaFaith of Molokai of Scotland Thodore GurinSMP.ORG800-533-8095 5'