b'UNIT 2: SEALED BY THE SPIRIT6.The Spirit7.The Spirit8.The Spirit9.The Spirit10.The Spirit Chapter Fills Us Anoints Us Changes Us Makes UsGives Us GiftsChildren of GodCatechismBelieve Celebrate Live Live: CatholicPrayPillar Social TeachingCatechism683747 698 442 17001715 129912931296 14351437References 1832 12981301 1989, 2608 19281935 18301831Chapterto explain that the Holy to explain that anointing to identify Saul as a to explain that the Holy to explain that the Spirit Goals Spirit is a gift of Godsis a sign of being chosenpersecutor of ChristiansSpirit makes us childrengives different gifts to love to us and empowered by God who became a greatof God each person to identify that the Holy to identify that followersChristian missionaryto state that the Spirit to identify that each gift Spirit strengthens us inof Christ are anointed to explain that change ishelps us to live withoutgiven is valuable and Confirmationin the Sacraments ofalways possible with thefear and recognize God asneeded by the Church to recall thatBaptism, Confirmation,help of the Holy Spiritour Fatherto state that the Gifts of Confirmation is oneand Holy Ordersto state that the Holy to identify that all peoplethe Holy Spirit are sealed of the Sacraments of to state the key ritualSpirit strengthens us toare created in the imageand strengthened in us in Christian Initiation intoactions of the Sacramentshare in Jesus mission of God with inherentConfirmation the Church of Confirmation dignityScripture Acts 1:45, 8 1 Samuel 16:113Acts 9:119Romans 8:1417 1 Corinthians 12:111(p. 1709) (p. 388) (p. 1728) (p. 1778) (p. 1806)Keyfruits of the Spirit, martyr anoint, Sacred Chrism missionary, conversion inherent, right to life common good, Gifts of the Words Holy SpiritPeople ofPope Emeritus Saint David the King Saint Thrse of Lisieux The Children of Fatima Pope Saint John Paul IIFaith Benedict XVISMP.ORG800-533-8095 21'