b'UNIT 2: JESUS SHOWS US GODS LOVEChapter 6.Jesus Welcomes7.We Celebrate8.Conscience Is a9.We Are Called10.We Ask for Everyone Reconciliation Gift of Gods Love to Kindness ForgivenessCatechismBelieve Celebrate Live Live: CatholicPrayPillar Social Teaching17761778 Catechism541544 14401470 1783178518221829 14511454References 699 18491864 2056, 20581469, 2616, 263120642068Chapterto state that Jesus shows to state that we can ask to identify that the Ten to state that our kindness to state that God will Goals us Gods love for us for Gods forgiveness atCommandments areto others shows Godsalways love us andto identify that Jesusany time Gods loving rules to keeplove forgive usloves and welcomes to explain thatus safe and happyto indicate that Jesus to explain that we can everyone, includingwe celebrate the to summarize that thegave us an example ofuse reason, free will, and children forgiveness of our sinsTen Commandmentslove and kindness toconscience to live in rightto explain that thein the Sacrament ofteach us right and wrong follow relationship with GodKingdom of HeavenReconciliationto explain that when we to discuss that love and to name that we can ask belongs to those with a to state that the Sacramentfollow our conscience, we kindness can heal hurts God for forgiveness in our childlike faith of Reconciliation bringsare doing what is right and prayersus peace and joy avoiding what is wrongScripture Matthew 19:1315Psalm 51:4, 710 Exodus 20:23, 68, 1217Ephesians 4:16 Luke 15:11, 2024 (p. 1496) (p. 878) (p. 132) (p. 1846) (p. 1620)Keyconsider, loyal,worship, generation, accuse,humble, tolerant, pity, prize, free will,childlike, childish venial sin, mortal sin,Ten Commandments,Words * reconciliation conscience preserve, unity, dignity reason, contritionPeople ofSaint John Baptist Saint DismasMoses the Patriarch Saint Mother TeresaSaint Augustine Faith de La Salle the Good Thiefof Kolkata (Calcutta)and Saint MonicaSMP.ORG800-533-8095 9'