b'DISCOVER! GRADE 4 SCOPE & SEQUENCEUNIT 4: WE LIVE THE COVENANT16.The Way to17.We Celebrate18.Living the19.We Care for20.Gods Chapter Happiness Our CovenantCovenant Those Who AreCovenant Lovewith God PoorCatechismBelieve Celebrate Live Live: CatholicPrayPillar Social Teaching18221829Catechism13221332 23312400 1397 60317161729 13731375References 2130, 2594 24432449 24012463 2558274525142557Chapterto identify that Jesus to state that the Ark of to identify that love was to summarize that the to identify that Jesus Goals shows us the way tothe Covenant was a signJesus message in theprophet Amos calledshowed us that nothing Gods Kingdom of the presence of GodNew Covenantpeople to treat otherscan separate us fromto define three ways to beand his covenant among to name love in action asfairly and justly Gods love happy as taught by Jesusthe community something that can help to identify that we are to recall the love of Godto describe how weto identify that Godsthose who are in needcalled to share what weand how it has been can follow the ways presence among us to state that the Sixth,have with others whoshown to us in our lives to happiness today brings us joyNinth, and Tenthmay not have enough to state that prayer is our to name the Mass as theCommandments are to state that followingconnection with God who way we celebrate ouragainst unlovingthe covenant meansloves uscovenant with God today thoughts and actions treating others fairly and justlyScripture Matthew 5:69 2 Samuel 6:12151 John 3:11, 1618Amos 8:47 Romans 8:35, 3739 (p. 1456) (p. 424) (p. 1936) (p. 1390) (p. 1780)ark of the Lord, Keymerciful, pure infatling, girt, Ark of theclaim, envy trample, measures,persecution, victory Words * heart, Beatitudes Covenant, tabernacle,debt, sworn, justicesanctuary lampPeople ofSaint Josephine Bakhita Saint David the KingJean VanierSaint Katharine Drexel Saint Peter Claver FaithLent Easter Pentecost Ordinary TimeA Time of Preparation Meeting the RisenStrengthenedJesus Life Jesus by the Spirit and Teachings638658 678, 139712171222 1169 683747 1822182912291233 13841390 26702672 1929193324432449 to explain that the waters of to recall that Easter is the season in to state that the Holy Spirit moved to recall that Ordinary Time is the Baptism lead us to freedom from which we celebrate Jesus rising fromover the disciples at Pentecost,season of the year when we learn the slavery of sin the deadforming a new creation, the newmore about Jesus life and teachings to identify Lent as a season in which to explain that the Risen Jesus isKingdom of God to identify that caring for others was we prepare for the renewal of ourpresent at every Eucharist, just as to identify that the Holy Spirita key part of Jesus life and teachingbaptismal promises at Easter he was at the meal with the twomoves over us at Baptism and to name ways we can care for peopleto define the Easter Vigil as the nightdisciplesConfirmation, which makes us in need all through the yearwhen new Christians receive the to compare this event to thea new creation Sacraments of Initiationcelebration of the Eucharist, into recognize that the Holy Spirit which we receive the Body and guides and strengthens us with the Blood of Christ with faith and love Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Exodus 14:2125 Luke 24:2832 Genesis 1:15 Matthew 25:34, 3740(p. 122) (p. 1644) (p. 21) (p. 1510)pursued, chariot, panic disciple, Resurrection new creation righteousSaint Augustine of HippoSaint James the GreaterSaint Hippolytus Blessed Frederic Ozanam SMP.ORG800-533-8095 19'