b'WE MODELAND WE TEACHa connection with Christ through the Word of God, prayer, and the Eucharist. Teach children to pray by giving them a short phrase based on Scripture to say quietly to themselves, over and over, like Jesus is with me always or Jesus is with me, and I am with Jesus. Scripture-based prayer is called lectio divina (holy reading), and this is how simple it really is! Share your own Scripture reading and meditations with the children: When I was reading the Bible this morning, I realized that Jesus got discouraged when people didnt listen to him. But we want to be the ones who listen to Jesus, dont we?Continually remind the children that when they receive Holy Communion, they are receiving the Body and Blood of Christ, the very person of Jesus, into themselves. Jesus truly lives in them, and they are given power to become more and more like Jesusto live like Jesus, to think like Jesus, to act like Jesus, to love like Jesus. Subscribe today!smp.org/inspire 9'