b'A t the end of Matthews Gospel,Jesus speaks his last words of encouragement and commissioning to his disciples: Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples.and teachthem to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age (Matthew 28:1920). As teachers and catechists, we are forming disciplesof Jesus. What does such a disciple look like? If wethink of the disciple of Jesus, we might think of fi ve characteristics that apply.TRUE DISCIPLES . . .are in a growing personal relationship with Jesus;connect with Christ through theWord of God, prayer, and the Eucharist;love God and others as they love themselves;see Christ in all people; and live the teachings of Christ in everyday life. We are called to model and teach what it meansto be a disciple of Jesus! We act out andarticulate what these characteristics look likeand mean in everyday life. How do we do this?continued on pages8-13Subscribe today!smp.org/inspire 7'