b'Im\x1c\x08i\x18\x12 a\x18\x07 En\x1c\x06t t\x12 Ro\x0f\x05r\x04 The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary highlight signifi cant events in Marys life. Take time to explore each mystery with your group. Have the children enact and narratein their own words each mystery. Consider devotingan entire week to the Joyful Mysteries, addressingone mystery each day. Conclude by praying a decadeof the Rosary, or create a Living Rosary by inviting children to act out each of the Joyful Mysteries. In\x14\x12g\x1a\x05t\x10 Ar\x14Bring images of Mary into the classroom through icons, classical art, and statues. A video titled Pictures of Mary traces the portrayal of Mary throughout the centuries. Icons of Mary offer different perspectives on her life. Display multiple images of Mary, and ask the children to refl ect on which one is most meaningful to them. Be intentional about bringing in images from many cultures, such as Native American Madonnas, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Streets, or work by other cultural artists. During the month of May, be intentional about creating a connection to Mary with your group. Move beyond titles and Feast Days for Mary, and take time to help the children begin to cultivate a true devotion to Mary, mother of God and mother to us all.TO FIND LINKS TO MUSIC AND VIDEO REFERENCED IN THIS ARTICLE,visit smp.org/inspire_marySubscribe today!smp.org/inspire 29'