b'God did not physically come to earth and write.throughout the world believe that the Bible is But Jews and Christians would say that Godthe product of the interaction of divine and is an author of the Bible. How can this be? human authors. Inspiration is a term used to The Christian discussion of biblical authorshipexpress that the writing of biblical texts entailed started early in church historyan interaction of divine and when people wrote in Latin. TheHUMAN AUTHORS WHOhuman authors. In summary, the canon (the fixed list of sacred Latin word for author can meanHAVE WRITTEN THEScripture) is the list of those texts the actual physical writer, but it can also mean something like theBIBLICAL TEXTS DOthat were divinely inspired (had authorizing agent; in fact, it isSO AS PRODUCTS OFa human and divine author).at the root of the word authority.GODS CREATION. So why do churches disagree In this broader sense, the authorso much about the Bible? For is the person who guaranteesinstance, why do some Christian the authenticity of the material. denominations insist that the Bibles account of The Bible, then, has levels of authorship: thecreation contradicts views of evolution, while physical, human author and the divine authorother churches find the accounts compatible? who authorizes the material. Most churchesThe discord happens because churches disagree on how human and divine authors interact. ARTICLE 9'