b'THE SECOND LAYER:THE THIRD LAYER: AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION CONNECTING FAITH The second layer of meaning of synthesisdescribes the authentic expression of faith thatTO THE WORLDis in ones heart as it is shared with others. This The third level of meaning of Pope Franciss meaning connects with a well-known point made by Pope John XXIII in his opening speechuse of synthesis is drawn from the Vatican II at Vatican II. Pope John wanted the councildocument, Gaudium et spes (Pastoral Constitution not to issue new doctrines, but instead, toon the Church in the Modern World). Gaudium be pastoral. He said, The substance of theet spes calls for reading the signs of the times ancient doctrine of the deposit of faith is oneand engaging in dialogue with people of thing, and the way in which it is presented isdi erent viewpoints. The word synthesis is used another. 2This distinction between the substanceseveral times in Gaudium et spes to describe what of doctrine and how doctrine and faith areis needed to address imbalances between (1) presented echoes loudly in Evangelii gaudium.modern forms of science, technology, and culture and (2) more traditional forms of thought. Pope Francis writes, We should not think, The document calls for artisans of a new humanity however, that the Gospel message must always be communicated by fi xed formulations learnedwho can interweave the fruits of the various by heart or by specifi c words which express anacademic disciplines with an integral view of the absolutely invariable content (EG 129). He advisesmeaning of the human person and the needs of the preachers, The diff erence between enlighteninghuman family. Rather than rejecting the modern people with a synthesis and doing so with detachedworld, Christians are called to achieve a synthesis ideas is like the diff erence between boredomof modern and traditional paths to knowledge and heartfelt fervor (EG 143). Christians arein the light of Christian faith. Christians need called to communicate their synthesis not withto be able to connect their faith to the concrete cold formulas but genuinely and earnestly. realities of the world in which they live.nThis article is an excerpt fromDennis Doyle is a professor in The Catholic Church in a Changingthe religious studies department World, by Dennis Doyle (2019). at the University of Dayton. He Winona, MN: Anselm Academic. received his doctorate from the Catholic University of America.THIS ARTICLE WILL CONTINUE IN A FUTURE ISSUE OF ASPIRE.1.Pope Francis, Evangelii gaudium, 2013, https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html.7089_CathChurchChangWorld_Pgs.indd.2.Pope Johns Opening Speech to the Council, Vatican IIVoice of the Church, http://vatican2voice.org/91docs/opening_speech.htm.7089_CathChurchChangWorld_Pgs.indd.The scriptural quotations contained herein are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, Catholic Edition, copyright1989 and 1993,National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.ARTICLE 25'