b'THE FIRST LAYER: PERSONAL INCORPORATIONThe fi rst layer of meaning of synthesis describesthieves break in and steal; but store up fora personal incorporation of ones Christianyourselves treasures in heaven, where neither faith within ones heart (EG 129, 143). The verymoth nor rust consumes and where thieves do title Evangelii gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel),not break in and steal. For where your treasure names this personal synthesis, for it is whatis, there your heart will be also. (Mt 6:1921)Christians should be prepared to share withJesus is concerned about our hearts. Where others: gospel joy. Nor is this merely a textbookdo our hearts lie? Our hearts lie where we faith; rather, it is the faith of a converted heart.store up our treasure. In what do we place our deepest values? On what type of gains do we The kingdom of heaven lives and breathes within one. It is ones treasure, because where yourfocus our energies and actions? What is it that synthesis lies, there lies your heart (EG 143). we esteem as our treasure? Later in Matthew, Identifying ones synthesis with where ones heartJesus compares our treasure with the kingdom lies, Pope Francis alludes to a passage from theof heaven itself: The kingdom of heaven is like Sermon on the Mount in which Jesus off erstreasure hidden in a fi eld, which someone found important and timeless advice: and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all Do not store up for yourselves treasures onthat he has and buys that fi eld (Mt 13:44). earth, where moth and rust consume and where 24 AspireVolume 1//Fall 2019 Subscribe today!smp.org/aspire'