b'CL A SSROOM A PPLIC ATIONDOWNLOAD THIS FOR YOUR CLASS: SMP.ORG/ASPIREVOL1Navigate Science & the BibleWe seldom get a second chance to make a first impression. The accounts of creation in Genesis give us our first impression of the Bible.In these accounts, God creates the earth in six days. Science, however, has revealed that it took billions of years for the earth and planets to form. Our first impression may be that biblical truth and scientific truth are incompatible, given all our scientific knowledge about the universe. We might be left asking: Can the truth of the Bible be reconciled with scientific truth? Can this first impression be given a second look?It is our job to dispel key divisions between scienceand the Bible and help students find a healthy balancein their perspective. By exploring Church teaching and introducing faith-filled scientists, young people will recognize that both science and the Bible can have a place in the Catholic worldview.Introduce the ExpertsCountless past and contemporary scientiststhe Vatican Observatory. In his frequent believe that the truth of the Bible cantalks around the world, Brother Guy often be reconciled with scientific truth. Inchallenges the notion of the incompatibility fact, greater knowledge of the universeof the Bible and science, explaining that we often results in a greater appreciation ofmust believe in a God that is supernatural. We the grandeur and creativity of God.then recognize God as the one responsible for Among those scientists who believe thisthe existence of the universe, and our science to be true is Br. Guy Consolmagno, SJ, oftells how he did it. In fact, Brother Guy CLASSROOM APPLICATION 35'