b'SaintMartin PorresdeFeast Day: November 3Saint Martin de Porres (15791639) is the patron of African Americans, barbers and hairdressers, race relations, and social justice. Yet, if we look closely at his life, we see clearly that one of his gifts, among so many, was using the natural world to help both the people and animals he met in his daily life. Martin was a lay brother in the Dominican monastery in Lima, Peru. He was in charge of the infirmary and also in charge of giving alms, or money and other help, to those in need. He became an expert in the use of plants for medicine. He founded an orphanage for abandoned children and also the first animal shelter in the New World (across the ocean from the Old World of Europe). When mice found their way into the monastery kitchen to sample the grain there, Martin would say, But they need to eat too. They are underfed!Prayer:Thank you, God, for the witness of Saint Martin de Porres. Help us to care for each person and animal we meet along our way. Teach us to be kind to all your creatures! 30 Inspire! Fall 2020'