b'Saint MotherThodore GurinFeast Day: October 3Saint Mother Thodore Gurin (17981856) was born Anne-Thrse Gurin in tables, France. Her little town is near the beaches of northern France in the area called Brittany. As a child, she could walk along the seaside and wonder at Gods creation of the vast ocean and the tiniest seashell. When she grew up, she became a Sister of Providence and a teacher, but she also learned how to help the sick by using plants and herbs as medicines. When she moved to Indiana in the United States, she found helpful herbs in the meadows and forests and used them to provide health care for sick people. She opened a pharmacy and offered medicine free of charge to those who were poor. In her shrine at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in Indiana, the stained-glass windows picture three helpful plants and herbs familiar to Mother Thodore and to us today: echinacea (American Coneflower), linden leaves, and dandelion.Prayer:Thank you, God, for the gifts of helpful plants and herbs. May we always be mindful of those who are sick. May we remember them in prayer. Help us to use your gifts to provide them with the tender, loving care they need. Amen.28 Inspire! Fall 2020'