b'Feast DayOctober4Francis of Assisihas been called the most beloved saint of all time. Why is that? Perhaps because he was full of love and joy. He loved people (especially those who were poor). He loved the natural world. He loved animals, both wild and tame. He was full of love!But Francis was not always like this. When he was a young man, he thought only of spending his fathers money on good times with his friends. Yet he wanted to do better. One day, while Francis prayed before a crucifix in the Church of San Damiano, Christ spoke to him. Christ asked Francis to repair his house, meaning the Church. But Francis took this to mean the little church of San Damiano! He began repairing the ruined stone church. After hearing the Gospel in which Christ told his disciples to go and proclaim the Kingdom, Francis did just that. He began to preach and to devote himself to poverty, wearing a simple robe and a knotted belt. The people listened to him because he lived what he preached. Young men joined him, and so began the Franciscan Order. Saint Francis is honored as the patron saint of animals and the environment. PrayerSaint Francis, ask God to fill me with love and joy!Francis respected the natural world as a gift from God. In each box below, write something you will do to show respect for the environment. Draw an X over the boxwhen you have taken each action. Subscribe today! smp.org/inspire 35'