b'E L C I T R A By Brian D. RobinetteTRI NI TARI ANivine mystery is never exhausted by human discernment, which D therefore makes us always beginners in its undertaking. Theological THEOLOGYreflection is at its best when it continually rediscovers the original impulses of wonderment and perplexity that stimulate it. It is also at its best when it engages TODAY rich traditions of those who have lived and discerned the mystery throughout history. Theology can therefore be thought of as an ongoing conversation, extending over many centuries and always broaching new experiences, questions, and insights, so as to assist its practitioner in the task of living the mystery in the present and toward the futureThe Old Testament gives distinctive shape toTestament and Nicene Creed show, though that task through, among other things, theit is possible also to specify aspects of that elaboration of its primary narrative, whichlanguage in more conceptually explicit ways. emphasizes the historical dialogue betweenThis close relationship between story and God and the people of Israel through thedoctrine is crucial to remember, since too themes of creation, exodus, and covenant.often doctrines can become detached or The Christian Scriptures are thoroughlyeven isolated from the lived experience that steeped in this primary narrative, thoughfirst nourished them.they reframe its central features in response to the life, death, and Resurrection of JesusSignificantly, this insistence on the close Christ, whom Christians affirm as Godsrelationship between experience and concept, definitive self-manifestation to human beings.history and doctrine, narrative and theory, The church understands such self-emptyingis a central feature of many contemporary on the part of God as simultaneously thetheologies of the Trinity. Numerous fulfillment of human existence, whosetheologians today continue to argue for the transformative (or divinizing) effects areneed to reconnect our sometimes abstract extended in the church and the worldformulations of doctrine with lived experience through the work of the Holy Spirit. Christiansand narrative reflection. [For consideration,] therefore discern and live according to thehere are four ways contemporary theology infinite mystery of God in a triune way, ascommonly seeks to make this connection Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This languagemore explicit and thorough.DOWNLOAD THIS FOR YOUR CLASS TO READ: SMP.ORG/ASPIREVOL2 takes on a narrative shape, as both the New 6 AspireVolume 2//Fall 2020 Subscribe today! smp.org/aspire ARTICLE 7'