b'The promises to send the Spirit that surface in the farewell discourses in the GospelMany other insights into the personhood of the Holy Spirit follow as the relation of effect of John reflect an earlier narrative found in the Acts of the Apostles. 2Commonlyfurther constitutes the distinctive being of the Spirit in the community of the Trinity. considered a companion volume to the Gospel of Luke and attributed to the sameNonetheless, the emergence of the Spirit through a defined mission within history author, Acts opens with a promise of its own, one that reveals another characteristic offurthers Christian understanding of this Third Trinitarian Person. Amplified beyond the Holy Spirit to be sent. In Acts 1:8, before his ascension, Jesus says to his disciples,conceptions of inspiration, prophecy, renewal, and empowerment found in the You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be myHebrew Scriptures and the Nicene Creed, the previous biblical passages sharpen witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.the contours of the Spirit in ways that reveal the Spirits personal uniqueness and This description attributes a power to the Holy Spirit, a power that the Spirit gives torelationality within the Trinity. The Spirit emerges as (1) distinct from the Father and the disciples to enable them to witness to the words and deeds of Jesus, even as thethe Son, (2) as sent from both the Father and the Son, (3) as the Spirit of the Son as well Spirit witnesses to Christ. The fulfillment of this promise comes in the second chapter ofas the Father, (4) as advocate and counselor to the disciples and the nascent Christian Acts, in the narrative of Pentecost.community, (5) as teacher of everything, even beyond the revelation given by Jesus himself, (6) as active remembrance of all that Jesus taught, (7) as power of proclamation When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in oneof the Risen Christ, and (8) as impetus for the spread of the Gospel to make disciples place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noiseof all nations (Matthew 28:19). Clearly, this Holy Spirit is no longer an impersonal force like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in whichor indiscernible from the Father and the Son. Remaining fully united with the Father and they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, whichthe Son, the Holy Spirit yet emerges in novel ways as fully personal and unique through parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were allthe mission of the Spirit in history. It is in this way that Pope Francis achieves his balance filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues,between evangelization and liberation theology. Sharing the gospel connects with living as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. (Acts 2:14) the gospel, and living the gospel connects with social and economic inclusion. There is no line to be drawn dividing faith from justice.This is a narrative full of symbolic language: the rushing wind signals a new and unexpected act of God within history (John 3:8); the tongues of fire call to mind the fire of the presence of God in the giving of the covenant on Sinai (Exodus 19:18). With fire, the Christian community now must witness to a new covenant in the power ofThis article is an excerpt from TrinityGloria L. Schaab, SSJ, PhD, a Sister of Saint in Relation: Creation, Incarnation,Joseph of Philadelphia, professor of systematic the Spirit, one that reaches to all parts of the world, symbolized by the utterance inand Grace in an Evolving Cosmos, different tongues. How did this power of the Spirit manifest itself through the disciples?by Gloria L. Schaab (Winona, MN:theology and chair of the department of It enabled them to speak of the mighty deeds of God in language that each oneAnselm Academic, 2012), pagestheology and philosophy, and associate dean could understand despite the fact that they were Jews from many disparate regions141146. Copyright2012 byfor general education, College of Arts and Anselm Academic. All rights reserved.Sciences at Barry University in Miami, FL.around Jerusalem (2:611). It empowered them to testify fearlessly to the mightywww.anselmacademic.org. deeds, wonders, and signs that God had worked through Jesus (2:22), to proclaim his resurrection from the dead (2:32), and to call for repentance that those who listened1. What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is our Paraclete? in GotQuestions.org: Bible Questions might have their sins forgiven and receive the Holy Spirit (2:38). Answered; available from www.gotquestions.org/paraclete-Holy-Spirit.html.2 Most scholars date the composition of the Gospel and Acts attributed to Luke between 8090 CE and date the Gospel attributed to John between 90100 CE. That the Gospel of John is situated between the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles in the biblical canon may confuse the sequence of the Pentecost narrative and the farewell discourses. 26 AspireVolume 2//Fall 2020 Subscribe today! smp.org/aspire ARTICLE 27'