b"Weve reframed the framework where young people will dive into Scripture from day one!InLive Jesus in Our Hearts, our high school religion curriculum, we've created a space to wrestle with important faith and life questions, while digging deeply into Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church. A focus question launches each unit and chapter, which then build the knowledge and skills students need to respond in faith. Guided by activity-rich and seamless teacher guides, the curriculum also ensures that all Framework points are addressedit has received the declaration of conformity!Request a review at smp.org/livejesusDigital Or call us at 800.533.8095 version available!I find it a great foundation on which to build a theology course. The textbook is attractive and readable, while remaining faithful to the Church and providing a solid theology to students. The use of Scripture connects students to the Christian tradition that is both rich and life-giving. Roger, Minnesota32 AspireVolume 2//Fall 2020 Subscribe today! smp.org/aspire 33"