8 elementar more activites that invite kids to move as they learn! Children learn best when they can be engaged on all levels—emotional, spiritual, and physical! In Discover: Finding Faith in Life, you’ll easily channel their eager wiggles using the built-in energetic learning activities! Create fun, energy, and excitement for both your catechist and your children, all while building meaningful lessons! imagine... smp.org/discoverfaith learnmoreat: Ë|xHSLFTJy828473zv&:!:+:+:! ISBN 978-1-59982-847-3 Teaching Guide 1 Stickers on the back? Family Activities 1 4 Family Page Discover! Discover! Finding Faith in Life Chapter Background Reflection People of Faith 2 We Celebrate God’s Love Thank you, God, for loving us always no matter what we do. May we remember your love every day so we can grow in our love for you. We ask all of this in your name. Amen. Prayer Romans 8:35, 37–39 • Discuss some of your favorite family religious celebrations. This discussion might include the reception of sacraments by family members, the parish community’s liturgical seasons, or preparing for Sunday Mass. Share what makes these celebrations special to your family and explain that by taking the time to celebrate we grow in our love for God. • Watch the video “VeggieTales—My Day” (YouTube, 2:42) together. Invite your child to share some things that he or she is thankful for that happened throughout the day. Discuss how God’s love might be visible in some of these things. • Read together the Featured Story on page 1780 in The Catholic Children’s Bible (Romans 8:35, 37–39). Invite your child to tell you what he or she remembers about the meaning of this Scripture passage. God’s love is perfect, never changing or swayed by anything we do. He created us from his love and desires us to remain in his love for all time. In the New Testament, we learn that God loved us so much that he sent his only Son to be with us and to teach us how to live. We celebrate God’s love as the Church, a gathered community of faith. This chapter offers a deeper understanding of what love is through seeing the everlasting love of our God. The true, eternal love of God is not something we can earn but is a gift freely given. Take some time to reflect on how you celebrate God’s love through the way you worship, pray, and serve. Share your own experience of the depth of God’s love as you help your child understand God’s love for him or her as God’s beloved child. Paul was changed after meeting the Risen Jesus on a journey. He went from being against Christians to getting baptized and teaching and writing letters about Jesus to others. The feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul is January 25. Saint Paul the Apostle (first century) Prayer Pray this prayer together as a family, beginning and ending with the Sign of the Cross. God, you love us so much that you want to share all of creation with us. Thank you for making the world and everything we see! Amen. 1 4 Family Activities Background Reflection Discover! Finding Faith in Life Chapter 17 Family Page We Celebrate the Resurrection Jesus, you showed us many things while on Earth. Help us to under- stand what true and eternal gifts your life has given to us. Amen. Prayer Mark 16:1–6 • Think of a new way this year to celebrate Easter more intentionally. Consider ideas like attending all Holy Week services, having a Resurrection party with a focus on Jesus, or reenacting the story at home. Remember the Easter season lasts for fifty days, so keep the celebration going after Easter Sunday! • Make Resurrection rolls together with your children. Find an easy recipe online. While you eat the rolls, read together the Scripture story on page 1568 of The Catholic Children’s Bible (Mark 16:1–6). • Watch the video “Top 5 List: Easter Sunday | Jesus and the Journey to the Cross #3” (YouTube, 3:10) together. Take time to discuss as a family how you can focus on the Resurrection of Jesus more during the Easter season. Three days after Jesus’ death on the cross, three women came to complete the burial custom of placing spices on his body. Instead of finding his tomb blocked by a large stone, they found the stone rolled away, the tomb empty, and a young man present who told them that Jesus had been raised! Jesus’ presence did not end at the cross or in the grave. Jesus is with us now and always. And because of his Resurrection, we know that we will be raised to new life after we die. Easter Sunday is a key moment when we mark and celebrate the day of Jesus’ rising from the dead. But for Catholics, every Sunday Mass is a celebration of Easter! This chapter focuses on helping your child understand how he or she celebrates the Resurrection and the Sunday Mass. Allow the following words to ring in your heart and ears for the incredible impact of Easter Sunday: Jesus rose from the dead. He is with us now and always! People of Faith Saint Mary Magdalene was a friend of Jesus. She listened when he taught and stood by him when he died. Mary was the first person to see the Risen Jesus on Easter and to share the Good News with his Apostles. Mary Magdalene’s feast day is July 22. Saint Mary Magdalene (first century) Prayer Pray this prayer together as a family, beginning and ending with the Sign of the Cross. Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of Easter, when your Son, Jesus, rose from the dead. Help us to celebrate this gift and to remember it each time we participate at Mass. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen! 978-1-599 82-177-1 PO5423) We Know and Live Our Faith We Know Live Our Faith and 1 Discover! Discover! Finding Faith in Life new!