
The Narrow Door: A Guided Meditation

This guided meditation communicates the Gospel message of simple living in a way that engages the imagination and inspires young people to actively simplify their lives. This activity is an excerpt from the book Justice and Service Ideas for Ministry …


Who Is Your God?

A reflective worksheet where students identify meaningful definitions of God


Parish Council Committee Assignments

This handout assigns students to a made-up Parish Council Committee. Students must then brainstorm ideas and activities to help engage young people in the life of the parish.


Called to Share the Mission of Jesus

This small-group activity provides each group with an example of Christ's mission. Groups must answer questions surrounding their particular example.


Reflections on Relating

This poem provides a reflection on the fears and insecurities that we all carry underneath the outward impressions we give off.


Scoring "My Responses to Conflict"

This handout provides the scoring that should be used to interpret the accompanying Handout 9-D.


My Responses to Conflict

For this worksheet, students choose which behaviors match how they typically respond to conflict in relationships.


Whom Will You Tell?

Students identify with whom in their life they would share a list of personal pieces of information.


Listening Traps

Students reflect on and answer a series of questions about their listening skills.


Interpersonal Style

Students reflect on and answer a series of questions about their interpersonal style and relationships with others.


Questionnaire on Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS

This handout provides a list of True/False statements about sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.


Role-play: "I'm Pregnant"

This handout provides two role-play situations in which a couple has discovered they are pregnant.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 2)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Opinionnaire on Gender Roles (Part 1)

Students share their opinions in response to a series of statements about gender roles in society.


Word Association

Students identify the different associations with and meanings of sexuality as portrayed in the media, by peers, and from adults.


Attitudes About Sexuality

This handout presents a series of statements about sexuality. Students are to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with each.


How Much Did You Pay for That?

Students estimate the cost of a list of items needed to live independently. This exercise is meant to help students understand the amount of money needed to survive.


Work Values

On this handout students explore the qualities they look for or want in a job and brainstorm possible jobs that fit those qualities.


Ranking the Prestige of Occupations

Students rank a list of careers based on their importance and prestige in society.


Perceptions of Leisureliness

This handout provides a list of statements designed to help students evaluate the leisureliness of a specific person.


Support for Leisure Activities

This handout asks students to decide which types of leisure activities their peers encourage them to participate in.


Cases to Examine: Leisure or Work?

This handout presents two real-life scenarios for which students must read and answer questions.


Leisure Satisfaction

Students list leisure activities in which they participate before rating the frequency and satisfaction for each.


Goals of Formal Education

Students rank eight possible goals of formal education based on their importance or relevance.


Cases to Examine: Levels of Independence

Students read several scenarios and rank the level of independence demonstrated.


Personality Perceptions of __________

Students choose adjectives from a list to describe a specific person.


About Myself

This handout provides a series of questions for students to answer about themselves.


How Do I Know That I Am Fully Alive?

This handout asks students to rank statements according to their beliefs about what it means to be fully alive.


Respecting the Earth: Ten How To's

This handout provides ten tips to care for the Earth.


Cases to Examine: Self-respect

This handout provides three situations where teenagers are not fully respecting themselves. Students read the situations and respond with suggestions that demonstrate more self-respect.


Role-plays: Kindness and Truth

This handout provides two role-play situations for students to practice open, honest communication in a kind, truthful way.


TV Truth: Keeping a Record

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of the types of truths and lies portrayed on TV.


An Inventory on Money Matters

This handout provides a chart to help students keep track of their expenditures during one week


Cases to Examine: What Are We Afraid Of?

Students read several real-life scenarios and explore the many fears, anxieties, and pressures that influence decisions.


The Plight of the Worlds' Children

This handout provides several statistics and pieces of information about the alarming needs of children in our world.


Chapter 44 Summary: Respecting Sexuality

A nice summary of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, and how God wants us to conduct ourselves in sexual matters.


Life Issues B Activity: Meeting Jesus: A Guided Meditation

A guided meditation that uses the imagination to spend time with Jesus and understand how he wants us to live.


Praying with Scripture A Guided Meditation

A guided meditation on praying with scripture from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Meditation on a Goal or Concern

A meditation on a goal or concern from "The Catholic Connections Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Just a Closer Walk with Thee

A worksheet where students are asked to read and reflect on the Gospel of Luke’s powerful image of how Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist through the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.


Could I Walk in Your Shoes?

A survey that will help students consider how difficult it might be to walk in the shoes of another person who may be quite different from them.


The Goodness of Creation

A worksheet on the goodness of creation, using Scripture passages from the Book of Genesis.


My Understanding of the Mission of Jesus Christ

A worksheet on students’ understandings of the mission of Jesus Christ.


What Happens When I Die?

A reflection assignment on dying and death.


What Is Faith?

An activity on the best description of faith, based on students’ experiences and understanding.


Who Is Jesus?

An activity where students rate their level of agreement on statements about Jesus.


Learning about Learning

A student review of the process of learning unit material.


What Do I Know About Catholicism?

An assignment where students test their knowledge of Catholicism.


From the Author: Beth Dotson Brown

God is always at work in my life and once in awhile, I am blessed with the knowledge about where God is guiding me precisely when it's happening.So it was in the summer of 2005. As a longtime freelance writer …


Taking Care of Myself: Prayer for Stress Relief

Reflection Sleep is a natural part of everyone's life, but many of us know little about how important it is. Sleep is something our bodies need to do; it is not an option. Sleep does indeed sustain us. Not only …


Nurturing Spirituality with Faculty and Staff

This vision paper presents stories and ideas of Catholic educators who care deeply about their faith, their vocation, and their school communities. It is a reflection on how staff spiritual development empowers the mission to teach as Jesus did. The …


The First Address from Pope Benedict XVI

"Grace and peace in abundance to all of you! In my soul there are two contrasting sentiments in these hours. On the one hand, a sense of inadequacy and human turmoil for the responsibility entrusted to me yesterday as the …


Raising Up Leaders

I had a fascinating time with a group of young leaders. I was most struck by the diversity of the young people from a particular area. They came from single parent households, working-class families, and professional families. They were black …


The Important of Process

I usually learn things the hard and long way. I have sponsored many prayer services, service projects and other such activities for teenagers. Prior to the event, I am usually consumed with details. Permission slips, transportation, food, and the schedule …


Why Is the World the Way It Is?

Why is the world the way it is? Why is it full of wrong? Why are her eyes so big? Why is his neck so long? Why is she so dark? Why am I so light? Why is she called …


Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Movie Activity

Disney's 1996 movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame can serve as a great starting point for discussions on the following topics: Moral Development. One can find examples of Quasi relying on childlike, adolescent and adult morality--which makes sense for an …


Patch Adams - Movie Reflection

Patch Adams is a great movie to use with students! It is the fact-based story of Hunter "Patch" Adams, the founder of the Gesundheit Clinic. Robin Williams plays the lead character with grace and skill. Synopsis: After spending some time …


Don't Cancel that Guilt Trip

A few weeks ago it was brought home to me how strongly our society has rejected the idea of struggling with one's conscience as necessary or beneficial. I was teaching Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple (Harbrace, 1982), and the …


From Isolation to Liberation

At the age of ten, I was diagnosed with pre-leukemia. Before being diagnosed I had to undergo numerous blood tests and very painful bone marrow tests. These tests continued after the diagnosis. I had to miss the last part of …


Fruit from the Vineyards of Faith Community

Participants in this summer's workshop "The Catholic High School as Faith Community" offered one another insights from their experience in the "vineyards" of Catholic high school teaching and campus ministry. We are happy to pass some of their "fruit of …


Committing to Your School's Catholic Identity and Mission

A group of fifty-four religion teachers, campus ministers, and administrators from thirty-seven Catholic high schools across the United States gathered in June 1995 to share dreams, struggles, and moments of grace around the theme of building faith community in their …


Emmaus Poem

A strange place to make a new beginning here on a dusty road not leading much of anywhere in a time when the ritual seasons have already turned and at dusk almost dark, in fact what an unsuitable place and …

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