
Our Commitment to God

A personal story about being committed to God.


Obedience to God's Will: Our Greatest Happiness

A personal story about how rules are created out of love and how obedience to those rules ensures lasting happiness.


Fall in Love With God

A personal story about being intentional about our Christian discipleship.


Is God Calling Me?

A personal story about discerning God’s call.


Find the Source of Salvation

A personal story about the mission of the Church to share the good news of salvation with others.


The Holy Trinity

A short video explaining the Holy Trinity and the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.


Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

A short video explaining the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.


Avoiding Arrogance While Evangelizing

A video on how to share the truth of the faith.


Sending Forth

A short video on the apostolate of the laity.


Jesus and Mary Compared to Adam and Eve

A brief clip on the similarities and differences between Adam and Eve, and Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Does Excommunication Condemn Someone to Hell?

A brief discussion on if excommunication condemns someone to Hell.


Finding Meaning: Applying Gospel Values at Work

A discussion among Notre Dame staff regarding ways in which we can live gospel values while working.


Thomas Merton - What is Contemplation?

A montage of pictures during which an excerpt of Thomas Merton's definition of 'contemplation' is read.


Click above to access this online resource for Live Jesus in Our Hearts: Revelation and the Old Testament.


Revelation and the Old Testament is the first semester course in the new high school series Live Jesus in Our Hearts. This series takes a fresh approach to the Framework outline, bringing in new themes such as in-depth use of scripture, extensive online resources, and an invitational, evangelizing approach.

Are you interested in seeing how we're reframing framework? Learn more about Live Jesus in Our Hearts!


Lifehouse's Everything Skit

This skit is a powerful depiction of the human weakness in the face of temptations and the love of Jesus Christ, who conquers sin and death.


Why is the Mass Changing?

The Mass Is Changing...How? Why? And what does it all mean for you? Catholic Answers Senior Apologist Jimmy Akin explains why the Church has decided to issue a new translation of the Roman Missal.


What are the Historical Roots of the Mass?

What are the historical roots of the Mass? The Mass is changing...How? Why? And what does it all mean for you? This video is a detailed summary of continuity concerning liturgy.



A brief description of the holy season of Christmas for the Roman Catholic Church.

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